Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1023: Has it been exposed? Bai Wuyou must be a fake

Bai Chuwei looked at her pink fingernails and asked indifferently, "Who told you to come out and cheat?" Not afraid of being screwed off?

Like being struck by lightning!

Bai Wuyou's heart must be scolded for tens of thousands of swear words, was...being exposed?

Bai Wuyou is roaring in his heart, everyone has not received assistance to authorize the cosplay island owner, do you Bai Chuwei have any professional ethics? Why expose her? Still under the public.

The other audiences were fine, but they looked at Bai Wuyou in amazement. Counterfeit goods?

The two sisters, Li Zhuer and Li Yuer, seemed to be struck by Lei Shengsheng, almost stupid.

Counterfeit goods?

No... how is it possible?

How could their fairy master be a counterfeit?

Li Zhuer was thoughtful and looked at Bai Wuyou with suspicion.

Li Yuer was like a firecracker that was suddenly lit. Regardless of the camera at this time, she was furious on the spot, and said, "Bai Chuwei, you are a bad guy! The Unnatural Administration can't protect you this time!"

Last time, for Bai Chuwei, the Unnatural Management Bureau just didn't help them grab the Cloud Swallowing Beast.

This time I'm afraid I won't show up! Otherwise, the management bureau could not give them an explanation to Shenxian Island, and I am sorry that all the monks on the island had come out of the island to help out when the island owner gave an order.

Director Wang: "!!!" What is this woman talking nonsense?

Director Wang reacted very quickly, and immediately rushed to the head of the photography team firmly and firmly: "I have pinched this paragraph, cut it all out!"

"Why do you say that my master is a counterfeit? Isn't your outfit pirating my teacher's style? Don't think that you have been in the outside world for longer than us, and you want to call the thief to catch the thief. It's ridiculous!" Li Yuer said The words are like crazy shots of pearl cannons, with thorns.

The audience was furious!

The tattooed elder brother jumped up on the spot: "I wiped it, this woman looks pretty, why is her mouth so poisonous? Did she eat **** in her mouth? Security guards don't stop Laozi, I have to go up and give her some earwax!"

"Teacher Shenxian is no longer my idol, she is my savior. Whoever dares to scold her, I will spray someone! Stinky... stinky woman, she looks really ugly!" A cute-looking girl should be of high quality , It took a long time to suffocate a "swear word"

"Teacher Shenxian has always been right when he is right. Bai Wuyou must be a fake, and I am embarrassed to participate in this competition? Are you really afraid of being exposed?"


Group sentiment is angered!

After seeing the doctor just now, everyone turned to Bai Chuwei.

Bai Chuwei is no longer just an idol, but their savior.

Although Bai Chuwei didn't come out to see them at all, if it weren't for Bai Chuwei, how could these four schoolmasters play?

If you don't teach these four schoolmasters, can they understand?

Draught does not forget the well digger.

If the security guards hadn't stopped them all, the angry audience could not help but want to go up and teach Li Yuer the principles of life.

Li Zhuer didn't speak, but her eyes were filled with indescribable doubt.

Pretend to be... counterfeit goods?

Are there really people in this world who are so courageous to be the counterfeit of the island owner? Are you afraid of death?

The already highly anticipated Bai Wuyou gritted his teeth and said with a smile: "Teacher Bai Chuwei, you have the skill to instigate fans to insult me ​​at the Saint Medical School. Why don't you let the program team quickly come up with a plan for the third round."

Can't admit that she is a fake, admit her and it's over!

Bai Chuwei dared to make trouble again.

Everyone is counterfeit and pirated. Don't laugh at me, brother, we are all the same!

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