Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1028: I have no worries about giving up and quit the game voluntarily

Bai Wuyou cried and laughed, and gave Bai Chuwei a bang!

The nearest Liu Zhenren looked stupid, what's the special situation?

Audience present: "!!!"

Fuck, this is very exciting!

Bai Wuyou, the chief mentor of the blue team, knelt down to admit defeat? This variety show is more dramatic, novel authors and screenwriters dare not write like this!

In spite of the obstruction of the program staff, the audience took out their mobile phones and took photos wildly, but they couldn't stop it at all.

Director Wang smiled helplessly. It seemed that he couldn't hide it at all. He would definitely be spoiled.

The climax of this show is wave after wave, and there is no script to realize the preparation. The reality is such magicalism.

Bai Chuwei looked indifferent, leaning on the tutor's seat, holding a few sugar oranges bought by the staff, too lazy to peel the oranges, and directly fed it into the cloud-swallowing beast's mouth.

The little beast took a few mouthfuls, and it seemed to feel unpalatable, and when he spit it out, it sprayed on Bai Wuyou's body, not knowing if it was intentional.

Bai Chuwei touched the head of the cloud-swallowing beast, and sighed: "You don't know how to enjoy such a sweet sugar tangerine. You can live long by eating omnivores, understand?"

Bai Wuyou: "..." is implying that she is alive soon?

It's terrible.

Bai Wuyou pulled the armrest of the instructor seat, tears flowed, crying and shouting: "Big brother for mercy, my eyes are clumsy, really my eyes are clumsy."

"Island owner, I was wrong, I don't want to pretend to be you, I have difficulties. I...I..."

"I want to know that you are the owner of the island. Even if you kill me, I don't dare to jump in front of you. Isn't this the big axe in front of Luban?"

"I'm a clown, you adults don't remember the villain, let me go, just as if I was a fart."


Bai Wuyou got more and more excited as she talked about it, she wanted to catch Bai Chuwei's hand and was avoided. Her nose ran out and mixed together. She didn't know if it was her nose or tears. With that tattered skirt, she looked like a lunatic!

Because of the sudden incident of Bai Wuyou, Director Wang decisively cut off Bai Wuyou's wheat, and the audience could not hear what she was talking about.

Everyone only saw Bai Wuyou's mouth beeping crazy like pouring beans, but they didn't know what was beeping.

Some viewers guessed in shock: "She... she is suddenly ill, is she crazy?"

"I think it's like she's lost her heart." A girl said in shock with her mobile phone, and soon she became quite determined again, "She must be crazy, if she is not crazy, why would she want to kick the gods? Teacher's library?"

The jaws of an audience were about to fall off, why didn't they expect such a development, and said in an unbelievable manner: "Nima, where did this come to kick the pavilion? This is obviously a shame! Isn't she... Star debut?"

Obviously everyone didn't know what Bai Wuyou was, and they could live in peace as a chicken. They had to come to kick the hall and they failed in a mess.

Now, all the people in China will know the name of Bai Wuyou, but it's a pity that this time I will lose face all over the country...

What do you think of this brain?

Bai Chuwei smiled and looked at Bai Wuyou who was shaking like a sieve, and said, "Don't be like this, didn't you ask for the third round?"

When Bai Wuyou heard this, he instantly stood up and walked towards the host. The host's head was frightened.

Before the host ran away, Bai Wuyou snatched the host’s microphone. The program team had no time to cut off the microphone. She said clearly and clearly: "I have no worries about Bai surrender and voluntarily quit."

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