Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1032: Kneeled down with a soft leg: I'll kowtow to you

The program team prepared a special lounge for Bai Chuwei, which was full of gifts.

As soon as Bai Chuwei came in, her brows frowned tightly, and said, "Didn't I tell you? No gifts. Why do you accept them for me?"

She is not a celebrity. Once she starts this head, the children will think of Faer to give gifts.

No need, the ancestor has lived for so many years, what hasn't been seen?

The staff smiled helplessly: "It was sent by the audience who was diagnosed with a serious illness. I really can't refuse. There are also four schoolmasters."

In the end, the audience made the money, and the most expensive one spent eight thousand eighteen to enter the venue. In the end, this act saved his life!

Zhang Jun was one of them. He bought flowers and fruits and stuffed them.

At first I blamed him for a rural baby who spent more than 8,000 to watch the show. The parents were silent after learning about the situation. Then they almost cried so that Zhang Jun must thank the fairy teacher and Xueba Liu Qi, and couldn't help but say never again. Interfering with his son's hobby, this hobby saved his son's life!

Bai Chuwei was helpless about this, and grabbed an apple from the fruit basket, washed it, and sat on the bench to rest and eat the apple.

The Cloud Swallowing Beast stared at her like a deer, eager to try.

"Want to eat? Give you a bite?" Bai Chuwei said bewildered.

The Cloud Swallowing Beast took a step back, it didn't eat these.

Bai Chuwei sighed: "You really are not suitable for pets. Snowballs can be eaten as pigs. Even the little fox I ran before can eat whatever I give, never picky eaters. You, tut——"

The Yunyun Beast whimpered a few times unhappily. Suddenly its voice stopped, and immediately jumped up from Bai Chuwei's bench, rushed towards the door, and slammed the man at the door with its horns, and made a threatening sound.

Bai Wuyou closed the door silently and came in.

He changed into a menswear urgently just now. I don't know how long he hasn't worn menswear anymore. He is about to miss and cry.

With long silvery-white hair, and after removing the phantom, the female facial features gradually stood up sharply. They were extremely handsome and beautiful. They were over 1.8 meters tall and their legs looked longer.

Duan Feihan on the side looked up silently, frowning gradually.

Good-looking man.

not good.

As soon as the person walked in, his legs became weak, and he knelt in front of Bai Chuwei, lowered his head, choked up and said: "Big man for mercy, I don't want to die yet."

Zhen Nima was unlucky and slammed into the muzzle.

This world is so big, he will even remember to meet the original owner?

Didn’t it mean that the owner of Shenxian Island was indifferent to fame and fortune? Don’t you stay in deep mountains for decades? How did you get to the outside world and be so famous?

Sure enough, the rumors cannot be fully believed. If you believe it, you will be pitted.

Bai Chuwei bit the apple, and tweeted: "I know now that I'm afraid? Didn't you do well just now? Didn't you look like the owner of the fairy island?"

"..." Not dare to speak, counseled.

Bai Chuwei raised her eyebrows: "Get out without speaking."

"I was forced. I was arrested by God. It was God who asked me to pretend to be the owner of the Shenxian Island, so that all the schools on the island listen to my orders, and it is best to take the entire Shenxian Island as soon as possible." The man immediately crackled like pouring beans and shook his arms out.


Bai Chuwei showed a mysterious smile.

"I'm miserable. Our fox clan is good at illusion. I pretended to go in and no one noticed it. They treated me like a god, and the adult cloud swallowing beasts smelled something wrong with my smell!"

When the little beast heard this, he grinned and hit him with his horn. It is said that its parents have a bunch of relatives!

The man choked, his nose and tears: "Big brother, I was wrong, I was really wrong. I repent and I am willing to make up for all my previous mistakes."

After that, the male fox seemed to think of something, his eyes lit up, and he said to Bai Chuwei: "Island Lord, I just heard you say that you have a pet fox running away, or I will fill the vacancy in your heart!"

Duan Feihan on the side narrowed his eyebrows, his eyes darkened, and asked in a cold voice, "You say it again?"

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