Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1035: The gods have fallen, and I am the only eternal in the world

Su Jing was slightly embarrassed and looked out the window with his head.

The two female apprentices were also cheated by him. Forget it they were cheating on each other.

Liu Zhen glared at Su Jing, his tone full of displeasure: "These two twin sisters are really ignorant. Their teachers have all come to see Grandpa Master for your apology. They even left without saying goodbye. They ran faster than rabbits. !"

On the show just now, how arrogant these two sisters are, how embarrassed they are now.

When Liu Zhen saw them running, he covered his face with a thick scarf, only exposed a pair of eyes, and fled through the back door holding his head.

Bai Chuwei's expression was calm, and she smiled slightly and said, "It doesn't matter, the monk can't run to the temple if you can run, and there will be opportunities to meet in the future."

The two sisters were born on Shenxian Island. Is it not easy to find them?

Su Jing's heart stunned when he heard it, and he was very thankful that he didn't run, so he came to admit his mistake.

Duan Xueqin and the others took the lead to leave the program group and prepare to go home. Gradually, Duan Feihan and Bai Chuwei remained in the backstage lounge, as well as the little cloud swallowing beast who became proud again.

Duan Feihan helped her take the white coat on the sofa and was about to leave with her.

The jacket was bought by the staff of the program group who was afraid of her cold and went to the mall. Although Bai Chuwei didn't intend to wear it, she was not ready to disappoint.

The Cloud-Swallowing Beast walked in front unhappily and pointed at her with his round ass.

Bai Chuwei was a little amused: "Is this little beast dissatisfied with my handling of Su Jing?"

Duan Feihan held her coat with one hand, and held her with the other, "Well, I'm not very satisfied either."

Bai Chuwei: "?"

Bai Chuwei was shocked, this person and beast were not satisfied with her handling method? The pace is so consistent?

Bai Chuwei patted the cloud-tunnel beast's head, and said patiently: "The fox didn't have any blood in his hands. He was scaring you by saying that he would eat meat."

Bai Chuwei could roughly guess why Su Jing did this. The Yun-Swallowing Beast had a different smell than ordinary people, and the cultivators in the Immortal Dao didn't notice it.

The little beast tilted his head to look at her, seeming to suspect that what she was saying was true or false. When she saw that there was no hesitation in her eyes, he was completely relieved, calmed down, walked carefully in front of her, and stretched out her soft powder. Pink's little tongue licked her palm lightly, showing her good.

She can easily guess the little beast's mind, what is Hanhan thinking?

Bai Chuwei pondered for a while, looked at his cold and tight side face, and suddenly realized something: "Han Han, don't you think I think he looks good and covet his beauty?"

Duan Feihan frowned and said solemnly: "I think I look better."

Oh, you are quite narcissistic.

Bai Chuwei slandered inside, then glanced at his impeccable profile, and couldn't help nodding in her heart.

Duan Feihan is indeed narcissistic capital...

With this look, even if it is in the ancient times, it is not necessarily worse than the gods.

She has to covet and covet his beauty.

Bai Chuwei walked along the corridor with Duan Feihan with her hand in her hand. She paused and said: "From ancient times to the present, the gods have fallen, the heavens are remnant, and I am the only eternity in the world."

A hint of sarcasm gradually emerged on Bai Chuwei's lips: "If I was right, Tiandao wants to restart the voting in the temple and rule me out."

And Su Jing is the testimony of his crooked buttocks.

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