Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1044: Nothing in the world is hard to get Bai Chuwei

A search on the Internet was an eye-opener.

Energy water is popular in the circle of noble ladies in O State. Almost every noblewoman will have it at home. You can buy a brand new fruit machine for the price of a bottle, and these noble ladies use this energy water as mineral water. Drinking.

Many expensive ladies in China also import, and they have a large number of stable ladies-level customers all over the world.

This really can't resist...

Ordinary people who can afford this stuff?

Almost a month can drink the down payment of an ordinary second-line one-bedroom suite!

The exaggeration is staggering.

If this is more expensive clothes and cosmetics, they can resist protests. This energy water is really powerless.

This makes many netizens feel very frustrated. Teacher Shenxian has done so much for them, but she was ridiculed out of the sieve on the Internet. They couldn't help or resist it.

It's like suffocating a sigh of breath, stuck in my heart, and can't get down. It feels too awkward.

In the spontaneously established fairy teacher fan group, a small fan suddenly proposed: "Why don't we, teacher Aite, let her come forward? Anyway, there is nothing she can't handle."

Now Bai Chuwei's fans have blindly realized that there is nothing hard to get Bai Chuwei in this world.

It's such blind obedience!

Fans immediately retorted: "You don't know what kind of character the fairy teacher is? Transcendence, she doesn't care about these at all!"

It's like the latest episode of "Super Brain Learning Ba" was broadcast. The number of hits broke the record of variety shows on the whole network, and caused such intense discussions on the whole network. What about her? There was no response on Weibo. The latest Weibo was the one that she said to give gifts on New Year's Eve, and she did not accept interviews with any reporters. She spent the winter vacation at home leisurely.

With this mind-bloodedness, I really couldn't find a second person.

The little fan was unwilling, so he wanted Aite Bai Chuwei to post Weibo frantically.

[Bai Chuwei: Okay, I get it. ]

The little fan was taken aback, thinking that he was blinded, and then he thought he had encountered a high-fun account?

Before and after, carefully looked at it for a minute, and then clicked on the portrait to confirm. She suddenly held her face and let out a scream: "It's a real person! I was replied!"

Five minutes later, Bai Chuwei's Weibo was finally updated, and it was a small video of only ten seconds.

In the video, Bai Chuwei said in a leisurely tone: "Those ladies who have drunk energy water, go to the hospital for a checkup immediately, there is a big surprise."

Suddenly added another sentence: "My four students only have one month, and they are out of date."

The video ends.

Netizen:? ? ?

What does this mean?

The first sentence can still be heard clearly, it is for people to go for a physical examination.

What does the second sentence mean?

Someone quickly explained: "The "Super Brain Learning Ba" caught hundreds of critically ill patients. Those four Xueba will continue to give injections for a month, and then they will have to participate in the finals with no distractions, so the fairy teacher said that there is only one month. time."

"Fuck... What this means is that if you drink that thing, you will get seriously ill? Is it so sick that you need an injection to save it? Spend money to buy it?"

"Eat melon, eat melon, I have a hunch that there will be a wave of big melons soon! So excited!"


I have to say that it feels really good to be an Internet celebrity and attract attention.

Send a message casually, and countless netizens will like him.

The owner of Energy Water Company Bart, one of his favorite things to do in his spare time is to see how many fans he has gained and how many people like him.

Today, he clicked into his account and found that instead of growing, fans...declined?

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