Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1064: The preparation for the bond of Taoist couple requires a sense of ritual

Sending red makeup on Shili Long Street, it's so cool.

All the cultivators of Shenxian Island opened the way, and even those outside cultivators who were coveting those precious treasures saw them, and did not dare to move anything, for fear of being torn to pieces on the spot.

Then I went to see the lively melon-eating crowd and gradually came over, "This...this seems to be the way to Haicheng Duan's house, right?"

The Chinese-style villa of the Duan's family occupies the entire mountainside, and those who go that way go to the Duan's house.

Some people who eat melons looked blank, and subconsciously asked: "A girl in the Duan family still to be married?"

It seems, I have never heard of it.

Don’t the Duan family now have Duan Xiuqi, Duan Feihan, and Sun Shaoye Duan Xingye, who have reached the marriageable age and are unmarried?

Where did the girl come from?

Is this the wrong person?

In the Duan's Villa

Ever since he recovered from his illness, Mr. Duan has loved to fish on the lakeside of his home when he was okay. Once he caught it, he threw it in and continued to raise him. He was not tired of this behavior.

Especially after grandson Duan Xingye returned to school in the imperial capital, his home became cleaner.

Old man Duan looked at the little fish jumping around in the bucket, got up with satisfaction and prepared to pour all the fish in again.

The housekeeper ran all the way from the outside and shouted out of breath: "Master, someone has hired our house!"

Old man Duan: "?"

His daughter to be married?

His only daughter, two babies were born!

The steward put it euphemistically: "I saw the cloud swallowing beast walking in front. It should have been sent by Miss Bai. It is probably given to the Fourth Master."

Old man Duan: "..."

Dare to love, his best young son did not marry a daughter-in-law, he was married...

Mr. Duan's mood is slightly complicated.

The butler comforted: "Master, you think so. You used to say that you only gave birth to a son. Even Master Hoshino is a boy. Now you can experience the joy of marrying children twice."

The corners of the old man's mouth twitched fiercely. Is this the housekeeper comforting him?

The old man still remembered that it was the housekeeper who was going to **** him hard at the beginning, and he almost didn't get angry when he heard it inside.

In a joke, Bai Chuwei's betrothal gift had already been delivered to the Duan's family.

Spring has begun in March, the ice and snow have melted, everything has awakened, and it is not far from the day when she made a contract with the Taoist couple.

When the old man saw what he sent, no matter what it was, no matter how inconspicuous it was, if you carefully asked and used it, it made people's heartbeat speed up frantically, and breathing couldn't be smooth.

The little lumps in the heart of Old Man Duan disappeared without a trace. This son is married well!

It's no wonder that nowadays, people love to have daughters, which is really good.

Ever since the frostbite became better in Bai Chuwei's hands, Miss Duan Er Duan Xueqin no longer dared to force Bai Chuwei. Her son whispered that Bai Chuwei was harmed by Bai Chuwei. Now she is doing Chinese homework every day, and she has to pick it up when she hears it.

Seeing that the bride price had come, Duan Xueqin clapped and said loudly: "There are still some days, I will help you customize a set of Jifu."

Taoist couples don’t get married, and they don’t even hold banquets. They don’t invite anyone except their closest relatives and friends, but it’s still a ceremony, so there must be a sense of ceremony.

Duan Xueqin is a well-known costume designer who can skillfully use traditional Chinese elements in her clothes. She cooperated with the female monks who came out of Shenxian Island who specialized in textiles to personally design the auspicious clothes for the day of the contract!

Duan Feihan was numb to him about to "marry" out. He opened the drawer of the desk and took out a small box, "Ring."

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