Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1075: Bright moon and galaxy as evidence, heaven, earth and mountains as mirror

Domain owner?

These words instantly made the monks present nervous, especially Zhao Tianfang.

There are so many cultivators in the global practice world, so the O Continent Demon Realm can bear the title of "domain master".

What did he want to do when he suddenly made such an appearance? Excuse Senior White's Dao Lian's contract?

Everyone was nervous, Duan Feihan looked complacent.

The sound-transmitting jade slip came from a crooked and simple voice. After dozens of seconds of silence, a man's low chuckle came from the other end:

"You have always been smart."

With just one sentence, it is clear that the people on Yujian are not Wanwan.

Our ancestors have heard a lot of praise like this.

Bai Chuwei's lips raised a sneer: "The domain owner is usually very smart, and I was silly now."

Bai Chuwei's voice paused, and she said with a hint of arrogance: "If I want to make a bond, it will be useless if the sky falls. Heaven can't control me, let alone you?"

In this ceremony, the initiative has always been in her hands, not others.

If she wants to make a bond with the humanitarian couple today, even if the sky falls and the ground falls, it will not be able to hinder her determination.

All people are the people of the gods. She loves all the children, but she will never be controlled by her people.

The opposite side was very quiet, and after a moment of silence, Yu Jian's contact signal was cut off.


Zhao Tian felt anxious. When he saw that Yujian’s voice transmission was broken, he looked at Bai Chuwei a little nervously and asked: "Senior Bai, how do you have contact with the domain master of the Demon Realm? He... on earth is he...?"

Bai Chuwei laughed, and every word meant something to say: "Xiao Zhao, the people in Demon Domain are not as scary as you think."

Zhao Tianfang smiled helplessly. For Senior White, the people of Demon Realm were not terrible. But this organization is placed in the entire spiritual world, where is it not a scary existence?

That's all, let's not talk about this.

As long as there are not too many moths tossed out, everything goes well for this Dao Couples Bonding Ceremony.

Bai Chuwei shifted her gaze, looked at Duan Feihan and asked with a smile, "Hanhan, why are you not worried at all?"

There is no sense of crisis at all? The ancestors were slightly upset.

Duan Feihan chuckled lightly, and said in a deep voice, "You have always made the decision, not others."

He knew better than anyone that the decision-making power of this ceremony was always in Bai Chuwei's hands. As long as she wanted to conclude the contract, there could be no mistakes in this ceremony.

For the first time, the always savvy master of the Demon Realm was stupid.

Bai Chuwei tutted twice, glanced at the starry night, and patted the cloud-swallowing beast on the head again, "It's time."

The little beast screamed happily and shook the wooden box on its back.

Bai Chuwei opened the wooden box and took out a jade knife that was as thin as a cicada's wings, with a red string tied to the handle, which looked very festive.

She swiped the knife lightly, and the jade blade like a cicada wing lightly cut through the palm of her hand, and blood overflowed from her red palm.

Duan Feihan followed suit.

Bai Chuwei and Duan Feihan looked at each other, and at the same time saw the slight smile in each other's eyes.

The two raised their hands to hold each other at the same time, and the blood in the two palms gathered together, and the magic of the conjugation with his fellow Taoists, the light lingered between the palms.

Bai Chuwei raised her head, the fringe on her forehead made a faint sound, staring at the sky full of stars, cleared her throat, and the ethereal voice spread across the world with the wind:

"The bright moon and galaxy are proof, and the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers are the mirror—"

"From today onwards, I, Bai Chuwei, have made an agreement with Duan Feihan Daolu. From then on, I will enjoy the mountains and the moon until my death disappears."

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