Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1111: The ancestor accepted the meeting ceremony

Bai Chuwei frowned her eyebrows lightly, and looked at Xiao Yi's anxious expression and had to nod her head.

"Professor Xiaobai, does this young man need our help?" The medical expert on the side stared at Xiao Yi's **** arm and couldn't help but care.

Bai Chuwei shook her head: "No, it's just a small matter. You can go to the International Medical Exchange Conference with peace of mind."

The ancestors were not worried. When the dragon veins were repaired last time, she arranged a formation outside by the way, and would not even give the opportunity to get closer.

Bai Chuwei gave Xiao Yi a wink, and the two walked outside at the same time.

Fight to the death!

Never underestimate the Chinese people's determination to defend the dragon vein!

If the dragon vein was cut off because of ignorance the previous time, then it is a deadly battle now.

As early as a few months ago, the mountains of Zhongzhou were secretly classified as a military management area, and there were many Chinese monks guarding them.

As long as the blood doesn't drain, swearing to death won't let anyone move the dragon's pulse anymore!

This is bloody!

There is no doubt that the group of official monks stationed in the mountains dare to fight the dragon veins, but the bad thing is... it is not human.

A group of bats flew up from nowhere, they bite when they saw people, and flew towards the deepest part of the dragon vein in groups.

Obviously this was unexpected, a group of monks and a group of bats stood up.

The mountains in Zhongzhou are full of trees to avoid forest fires. They dared not use fire, and many of them were bitten.

Bai Chuwei doesn't like bats, she looks ugly in black and carries viruses. As soon as I stepped into the mountains, I looked up and saw rows of black bats standing above the emerald green branches.

When they saw her coming, the group of bats fled away lifelessly, waving their wings. Bai Chuwei snorted and wrote lightly: "I want to run now, it's too late."

Lifting the sleeves between the sleeves, the wind came like waves, and the struggling bats fell from the sky like pieces of black mud, and fell to the ground without a sound.

Damn it, what a big man!

A group of monks were stunned, their compliments were about to come out of their mouths, but stopped abruptly at that moment.

Everyone: "!!!"

Bai Chuwei put one of them into the space magical artifact, a small bat the size of a human hand, as long as it is dead or alive! !

Fuck, this dirty thing is simply tainting the spatial artifact!

Where is eligible to be stored in the spatial artifact?

Is it possible that such a beautiful senior white has a weird hobby of keeping bats?

A group of male monks who still had a illusion about Bai Chuwei were heartbroken. I have only seen normal girls raise cats and dogs, but I have never seen bats.

Bai Chuwei is different.

Bai Chuwei didn't have much explanation for this, but went to the depths of the mountains, calmed down the frightened cloud swallowing beasts and returned.

The ancestor accepted the meeting ceremony.

In a few days, I will give you a big gift.


Xueqiu didn't know how long he hadn't been to the old ancestor's bedroom. Since the transformation, he has lost the qualification to spend the night in this bedroom.

Today, I finally found a reason. Xiaopang was holding a laptop in his hand, slammed the door open with his butt, and ran towards the inside excitedly: "Old ancestor, there is...Mom, ancestor, are you crazy? Now start raising Bats as pets?"

A golden bat was confined in a glass jar, its wings still swayed slightly, and scarlet eyes stared at him.

Snowball watched his scalp become numb, and the computer in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter, waiting to seize the door and flee.

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