Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1113: Settle after autumn! To invite that oriental rose

Bai Chuwei instructed to go down, Zhao Tianfang heard a little cloud and mist for a while, but came up with a thought...Bai Chuwei is going to settle accounts after Autumn!

It's late!

A few days later, under the reports of major Chinese news media, experts from the Chinese traditional Chinese medicine team headed by Liu Zhen set off for a country in O State to participate in an international medical exchange meeting.

Netizens called Chinese medicine doctors and finally stood up, but it was a pity that Bai Chuwei didn't care about fame and fortune, so he didn't participate at all.

Before the start of the exchange meeting, they also specially opened a video with Bai Chuwei.

Bai Chuwei was sitting in front of her desk, holding a gold book woven with gold in her hand. She felt as if she was bathed in golden light, very soft.

Liu Zhen and the others deliberately changed their Tang suits, which was fairly calm.

Among them, the girl Xueba kept rubbing her hands nervously, and said: "Teacher Shenxian, the exchange meeting is about to begin in half an hour. I'm so scared, afraid of making mistakes."

The three young school tyrants on the side, although they didn't say anything, were nervous to the naked eye. This is an international medical exchange meeting. Every word and word spoken may affect the image of Chinese medicine in the world.

Cuntou Xueba looked at Bai Chuwei on the other side of the camera, and couldn't help but said, "It would be great if Teacher Shenxian had also come to this meeting."

Follow the fairy teacher to participate, at least they are not so nervous.

But this is just a talk, even if Bai Chuwei wants to come now, she can't make it! It takes seven or eight hours to fly by plane.

Bai Chuwei smiled and calmed down a few words, watching their emotions gradually calm down.

Liu Qi jokingly said: "Teacher Immortal, the program team of "Super Brain Learning Ba" will participate in the final recording when we return from this meeting. Director Wang also asked us to persuade you to think of a serious final topic."

Bai Chuwei raised her eyebrows: "Is that not serious enough?"

A few people were taken aback, is the topic of cultivating immortals serious?

This topic was treated as a joke, and it has been spread all over the program group. Anyway, it was regarded as smoke bombs deliberately thrown by Bai Chuwei.

Liu Qi and the others trembled, and they wanted to say something. A volunteer knocked on the door lightly and smiled and said, "Several people, the meeting is about to begin."

Several people looked at each other, all a little embarrassed.

They are all acquaintances, and everyone has participated in "Super Brain Learning Ba" before.

It's just a pity, now a few of them have followed the fairy teacher all the way to the world, and now they have an outstanding status.

And Tong Qingyan? Was eliminated in the preliminary round, and now he can only become an obscure volunteer.

The gap is like clouds and mud.

Tong Qingyan pinched the palm of her hand with her fingers, trying to maintain a smile on her face, and walked outside to welcome them.

She had already checked in underground forums before applying to become a volunteer. The Western blood family has a wide range of business outside the world. Except for Bart’s Energy Water Company, this International Medical Exchange Conference is also one of them.

She must work hard to catch up with Bai Chuwei!

Perhaps it was too fascinating to think, Tong Qingyan accidentally bumped into the back of the man in front, and she quickly bowed and apologized.

"Forget it."

It is an ancient English pronunciation, as if it has traveled through centuries.

When Tong Qingyan stood up straight and looked over, the long silhouettes of the two young men in front had disappeared around the corner.

Edward walked respectfully behind Hicks, but his face was full of anxiety and sorrow, and he whispered: "My lord, what are you doing here?"

The man smiled cruelly: "Come and invite that oriental rose."

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