Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1179: Captain: I want to hold a press conference! Right now!

Isn't it the effect of electronic handcuffs and shackles?

The bright light reminds people around, there is also a GPS positioning system inside, which is monitored by the police at any time.

Which normal person would like to wear this stuff? Not to mention those arrogant cultivators!

This thing is designed to be used by foreign criminals who have been released from prison!

Where is this recommendation? This is simply insulting.

Extremely insulting human dignity.

"Um... I think this is not wrong. When I watched the live broadcast yesterday and learned that there are immortal cultivators, I was really frightened. Immortal cultivators are more capable than us. Will we ordinary people become slaves of immortal cultivators? Will it comply with the legal system? These are all unknowns."

"Yes, if I quarrel with someone on the road, and that person is a superpower, then I must die in his hands, and the world will be messed up. The power of the cultivators must be restricted, and they must all wear positioning hands. ring."

Of course, some people objected: "Why? How do you know that immortal cultivators will do bad things? Teacher Shenxian did bad things? When she has made so many contributions, why don't you say doing bad things? Are you disgusting? "


However, I have to mention that...

The effect of public opinion is reached!

The public opinion effect of the beautiful country's press conference on superpowers has been achieved.

A group of monks are so angry that they want to vomit blood and remove the magic repair. Is it better for a serious monk to be honest than the other? Not only are they disciplined and law-abiding, they also pay attention to cause and effect in their cultivation. Some monks dare not trample ants to death, and are full of awe in the world.

Nima, how did it become like this?

All this was not because of Bai Chuwei, who had to do some sword flying in the finals, now the world knows the monks.

It seems that in order to prove that "superpowers will bring a huge threat to the global order", the publisher controlled the remote control in his hand and released a piece of news on the big screen——

Yesterday, the China flight EC3782 crashed, and the captain risked his death to rescue all the crew members on the plane.

One of the several-year-old boy said gratifyingly that he saw his big brother and big sister flying by the plane before the accident, and then there was an accident.

Liu Qi, a contestant who was supposed to continue to participate in the "Ultra Brain Learning Ba" finals, actually stayed behind to help the patient.

The news photos, interview fragments.

Especially that Liu Qi looked in a hurry, and deliberately avoided interviews with reporters.

Both the scene and all the audience in front of the screen were in an uproar.

They never associate variety shows with a social news item at all!

If you think about it again, the EC3782 flight is from Zhongzhou Feidu, and it is the same route as the finals...

"I was puzzled before. There are lightning rods on the plane. There is a one in ten thousand chance of being struck by lightning. There are reasons for this."

"It's so hard for me to accept it. Since Mr. Shenxian appeared in the public eye, he has never done a bad thing? My God, is it really a disaster for ordinary people? I am suddenly not so happy to know that Bai Chuwei Xiuxian yesterday. , So scared."

It's hard for everyone to accept, isn't it... this plane crash is really inseparable from the finals of "Ultra Brain"?

Couldn't it be that Xueba was in the flight of Yujian, hit the plane and got into trouble?

These Xueba contestants were all taught by the fairy teacher Bai Chuwei!

This is directed at Bai Chuwei!

"Fart! These foreigners are all farting!" After the captain finished the last check, he looked at the live news room of the mobile phone, and he was so angry that he cursed a series of swear words.

These sand sculptures!

The staff member who was sent to look after smiled and said, "Captain, the accident press conference is scheduled to be held tomorrow."

The captain fiddled with his cell phone and said angrily: "No, just today. Oh no, just now!"

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