Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1187: Want to learn! The nationwide upsurge of immortality is coming!

Netizens picked it up and Bai Chuwei showed the Wanjian Chaozong. That sword is the treasure of the Zhenguan’s true dragon sword!

Damn it?

This is very embarrassing.

You know that some time ago, the Zhongzhou police set up a task force to investigate this matter and publicly offered a reward of tens of thousands of dollars.

"Then what... Didn't the sword fly back in the end? It shouldn't be counted on her, right?"

In the end, the police came forward and said that it had nothing to do with Bai Chuwei.

"Is there any senior who talked about the stage of Bai Chuwei's cultivation?"

"A sincere question: a sword instantly turns ten thousand swords, can Bai Chuwei become a billion people alone? The people of the whole country deserve one?"

"Upstairs, Duan Gou is on his way with a knife. I didn't ask too much. Teacher Shenxian told me that one and a half tricks are enough."


The picture is too gorgeous, but also very domineering, plus the superb editing skills of the program editor.

Whether it is a girl or a man, they are all excited.

Just two words--

Want to learn!

This is different from traditional martial arts, even girls want to learn.

It's a pity that Bai Chuwei is not easy to find. She is not in the show group at this time, and she is not going to school at the Emperor University. The most powerful paparazzi in the entertainment industry does not know her whereabouts.

Without a breakthrough, Bai Chuwei's Weibo swiping message rushed crazily:

"Apprentice! Immortal teacher, I am willing to devote all my wealth to apprenticeship, please give me some advice."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Liu Qi and the others said that teacher fairy will still teach in my dream?

"My god, my grandfather who is 70 or 80 years old has to learn, so please come forward and say something quickly?"


The whole network is crazy!

The whole Chinese people up and down were so excited that they couldn't fall asleep for a night or two.

The more I look, the more I want to learn.

Look at Bai Chuwei's methods.

Even if you don't love Bai Chuwei's methods, look at Bai Chuwei's face that can't pick out any flaws. Which beauty-loving woman will not be moved?

This cultivating immortality is more awesome than doing any medical beauty.

I want to learn, but I can’t find any other vocabulary except I want to learn.

Everyone is caught in the frenzy of apprenticeship among the people!

Bai Chuwei herself could not be found, everyone turned around, and someone approached the Haicheng Qingxuan faction.

The finals of "Super Brain Learning Ba" directly ignited Liu Sisi. This young lady is dressed in a Han suit and carries a long wooden sword every day, so fairy and sweet!

There are so many male fans and female fans that the old man Qingxuan is eye-catching.

Simply rush to the Haicheng Qingxuan Sect and learn something for the sake of apprenticeship.

There are so many people that they can block the trail to Qingxuan Mountain!

Qing Xuan was so moved that tears were about to shed.

For a lifetime!

Once upon a time, he went down the mountain to lobby in order to recruit his disciples. Those people either regarded him as a liar, or smiled at him, turned around and immediately called the police.

Unexpectedly, he would be able to show such a big show in his lifetime.

Sure enough, there is definitely meat to eat with Senior White!

Some people went directly to the Bai's house in Haicheng.

Hehe, Bai Chuwei really doesn't know where it is, but the villa of the Bai family is just there and can't run.

Bai Guofu looked outside through the window, and the dense crowd saw his blood pressure surge.

One of the pretty well-behaved girls asked very sincerely: "Grandpa Bai, do you still hire a nanny?"

Bai Guofu: "..."

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