Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1191: Let Bai Chuwei forget the position of this head!

It's hard to do--

Cultural invasion?

Is Chinese so easy to learn? Can you understand what is artistic conception without comprehending from a young age?

This is the most terrifying point, cultural invasion.

This thing is not a knife, nor a gun. It constantly affects people's behavior in a subtle way!

Bai Chuwei leisurely stretched out her hand, twisted a round purple grape, peeled the skin and fed it into her mouth, lightly saying: "This is the most basic and simplest formula for introductory spiritual practice, but once you learn it, you can't change it. "

"!!!" Zhao Tianfang suddenly felt cold all over his body, but he felt the coolness in the summer, obviously.

Zhao Tianfang suddenly remembered Bai Chuwei's last proposal in the live broadcast room:

It is recommended that foreign children do not learn, for fear that they will regret it later.

He hadn't figured out the specific meaning of this before, but now he figured it out clearly.

There are limits to dare to love?

Damn, absolutely!

This trick is too poisonous!

Zhao Tianfang stared at Bai Chuwei with a **** look!

The way of practice in the East and the West has always been different. It is like eating. Chinese people like to eat with chopsticks, while foreigners like to eat with knives and forks.

Now Bai Chuwei’s trick is... At first, I taught you to use chopsticks to eat. When you eat well, you will not be able to eat when you want to switch to a knife and fork!

It's too poisonous, shit.

In the past, cultivating traitors was not done like this.

Zhao Tianfang stared blankly at Bai Chuwei's white side face. She behaved gracefully to eat grapes.

He couldn't figure it out. How did Bai Chuwei come up with such a poisonous trick in just a few minutes in the live broadcast room?

The old ancestors seemed to dislike Zhao Tianfang's shocked eyes. She said innocently, "Is there anything wrong with me? The group of children in foreign countries should be very happy, but I didn't hide it at all."

When Zhao Tian heard this, his scalp became numb: "..."

Bai Chuwei is really poisonous.

He also realized one thing--

With such "selfless dedication," she easily avoided being condemned by foreign countries, who jumped into Bai Chuwei's pit with joy.

Three eagles with one stone, this is the top-notch conspiracy!

Even if someone abroad is aware of this, it is inevitable to stop it.

Ordinary people from the crowd will always make up the majority, and the smart elite will only account for the smallest part.

Learning Chinese and learning the basic formulas for cultivating immortals just announced by Bai Chuwei will be the global trend in recent years!

Thanks to him being so nervous, he rushed to the mansion of Sky City like crazy, so he was the clown?

Zhao Tianfang was quiet for several minutes, and then he took a deep breath, and said deeply to Bai Chuwei:

Senior, it's a really good method, but the juniors can't.

Bai Chuwei smiled gently, what would the ancestors of China know best? Isn't it just a conspiracy? Not to mention her ancestor who has lived for more than five thousand years.

Either it doesn't count, or the entire Blue Star is a chessboard, and billions of people are treated as chess pieces by her!

Zhao Tianfang gently wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, consciously fortunate that Bai Chuwei is a senior in China, if it is placed outside, it would be a big enemy!

Zhao Tianfang couldn't help but said, "Senior Bai, are you really not coming to our unnatural management bureau? I will give you a seat."

By this means, let Bai Chuwei's position here!

As long as the Chinese spiritual community can develop better in the future, what about Zhao Tianfang's abdication and the virtuous?

The more he thought about it, the more excited Zhao Tianfang looked at Bai Chuwei with an expectant look.

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