Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1193: Does Tong Qingyan dare to come? Of course she dare not!

With one hundred contestants, it is estimated that Tong Qingyan would not dare to come.

Everyone is working hard to participate. Only Tong Qingyan is a pitfall. He drove in the middle of the game, which caused nearly half of the participants to be eliminated. Which arrogant student can accept this instead?

As long as Tong Qingyan dared to come, she would definitely have to roll her eyes.

Look at Liu Qi and the others. Now they are in a completely different situation. They have a bright future with Teacher Shenxian.

At the thought of being pitted by Tong Qingyan when he tried so hard, he gritted his teeth.

A group of contestants were angry, and their eyes shot wildly in the hall. To their disappointment, the teacher Shenxian and Duan Zong had arrived, and they had not seen Tong Qingyan.

Will she stop coming?

Bai Chuwei took Duan Feihan's arms and walked inside with a smile.

It was a little funny for the eyes that those contestants were looking for.

Does Tong Qingyan dare to come?

Of course she dare not!

Tong Qingyan is not a person at all now, she is a blood race.

The whole country of China has banned blood from entering, and Tong Qingyan will have to sneak in even if she comes back, for fear of being reported, let alone the celebration banquet of "Super Brain" is her home court, Tong Qingyan is here and It doesn't make a difference to vote for the net.

She would not come, at least Tong Qingyan did not dare to come in at the door of this hotel.

I am afraid that these children will be disappointed.

As soon as Bai Chuwei came in, she attracted everyone's attention. The shooting camera kept clicking on her, and everyone present began to greet her enthusiastically.

The stars Gongyue, but that's all.

Liu Qi and the others were extremely enthusiastic, and said to Bai Chuwei and Duan Feihan: "Good master, good evening Duan."

Duan Feihan glanced diagonally, his slender fingers rubbing the ring on his left knuckle, "What is your name?"

Liu Qi and the others were taken aback, and they quickly changed their words in unison, "Master, good evening."

Before, I still felt that it was called this title. Would Mr. Duan be so young that he couldn't accept it? Not only would the dare lovers accept it, but he was also very dissatisfied that they did not call it?

Sometimes Hanhan loves to care about everything.

Bai Chuwei looked at the camera and smiled elegantly: "I am not a contestant, don't always shoot me."

She always knew that she was a mentor in variety shows.

The photographer reluctantly removed the lens and went to take pictures of others.

"Senior White!" The girl's slightly raised voice came from a distance with a hint of joy.

Liu Sisi, as always, is dressed in Hanfu. Today she is more festive than usual, with a red dress and hair accessories, and a wooden sword on her back. She is as happy as a carefree little hamster.

Behind her was a girl with gentle temperament, which caused her to look back frequently.

Liu Jin'er followed Liu Sisi over to say hello, with an unnatural look on her face, "Hello Senior White, Good evening Young Master."

Duan Feihan's tone was cold: "I am not your young master."

The two father and daughter got out of the dark night realm long ago.

Liu Jin'er was a little embarrassed and could only show a gentle smile, then turned his head away and searched in the hall.

Suddenly a thought-provoking and ethereal voice came in the ear: "Are you looking for Tong Qingyan?"

Liu Jin'er was startled, and was so frightened that she recovered her senses, and met Bai Chuwei's gaze, not knowing how to answer.

I was really hit by Bai Chuwei!

She was here to find Tong Qingyan, otherwise she would not follow Liu Sisi, a sideline she never looked down upon, to attend the celebration banquet of "Super Brain Learning Ba".

It's just... it seems that you haven't seen Tong Qingyan's shadow?

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