Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1198: Old ancestor: I will do it myself

Everyone: "???"

What is this Nima talking about?

Anyway, I have at least learned hei guest skills from the fairy teacher, even if they are all eliminated, they are considered Bai Chuwei's students.

This handsome young man came to their teacher with his head over his face and asked them, which one of these can stand a student?

"Did you make a mistake? Teacher Shenxian had an alibi to prove that Miss Liu was at the celebration banquet with us just now when the accident happened!" A strong man over two meters tall said with an unhappy expression.

"Yes, we know that you are worried about your girlfriend, but you can't just spread rumors, right? Old Chinese medicine master Liu is here, and the ambulance is about to arrive, don't worry." A female Xueba also said.

Xu Xingchen hugged Liu Jin'er tightly, and he could feel the warm blood flowing out of her neck, and the smell of blood stimulated his nerves.

Xu Xingchen didn't dare to look directly at Bai Chuwei and his fourth uncle Duan Feihan, who was extremely angry and shouted: "What alibi? She is a monk. It is easy to do harm without leaving evidence!"

Without giving anyone time to speak, Xu Xingchen pointed at Liu Jin'er's **** neck, staring at Liu Zhen and Liu Qi, and said angrily: "Isn't he a master of Chinese medicine? Are they not doctors? Yes? The bleeding hasn't stopped yet? Is this a wound made by ordinary people?"

Cicadas cried endlessly at night, but everyone was silent.

That said, it seems... there is such a trace of truth.

The wound felt strange no matter how it looked, it didn't look like an ordinary stab wound, otherwise Liu Lao and Liu Qi would have stopped the bleeding.

And the strength of Teacher Shenxian is obvious to all, this is a big man who can save all passengers on the plane intact. With the strength to save people, it is easy to kill people, although they have never seen Bai Chuwei hurt anyone.

Liu Sisi was a little angry: "But these are all your guesses. How can Senior White have any reason to kill Liu Jin'er? Can anyone be convicted just by guessing now?"

Xu Xingchen sneered when he heard the words, and turned his head without reasoning.


Look at Xu Xingchen's drama!

Seeing him like that, he has a pitiful look that is so powerful by her Bai Chuwei, who is angry but dare not refute!

Bai Chuwei said with emotion that in the original text, Xu Xingchen is not an entertainment actor either.

Really worthy of being the original hero, all aspects can be multi-line development.

Bai Chuwei was not nervous at all. She was full of interest and in a faint tone: "Student Xu, this hotel is quite remote. You are faster than police cars and ambulances. Did you come by rocket?"

Xu Xingchen became stiff, and suddenly became a little uneasy.

The contract of a Taoist couple is much more complicated than obtaining a marriage certificate. If you get married, you can get a divorce. The contract of a Taoist couple can not be terminated, unless——

The Taoist couple is dead.

He also didn't know how Qingyan had increased so much cultivation base abroad, only that she was extremely certain that she could solve Liu Jin'er at night.

Since people are dying, the moment he came over to see Bai Chuwei and the fourth uncle by blood, he had this idea.

Use a dead person to pour a basin of dirty water on Bai Chuwei Duan Feihan, a vicious dog and woman.

Xu Xingchen's heart beats like a drum, thinking about how to refute Bai Chuwei, and then heard Bai Chuwei chuckle: "Forget it, doesn't it just want me to save your Daoist companion personally? Why use aggressive methods?"

Xu Xingchen: "???"

Who used the radical method?

No, she, personally, shot?

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