Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1217: I really want to take away all Bai Chuwei's magical weapons

They have stayed on the villain's island for a long time, and they are used to seeing the big guys inside, so they naturally know the importance of the magic weapon.

On this villain island, not all villains are master cultivators. Many people have magical instruments left by their predecessors in their hands.

After reading Bai Chuwei's news these days, I probably know her situation.

There are many magical instruments in hand.

I heard that at the previous gathering of immortals, the fairy island brought out by the Qingxuan faction was a wooden hairpin artifact of Bai Chuwei.

The Kunlun Academy building appeared again today. This is obviously a large-scale spatial artifact. There are so many artifacts like Bai Chuwei! Ordinary monks can have a magic weapon handed down from their predecessors, which is already very good.

Doesn't this mean that these magical instruments were handed down from the hands of seniors and masters?

It's really hard to say whether real people are capable.

After all, in the world of spiritual practice, Bai Chuwei's actual combat records are really few, oh, the previous rescue plane does not count, she also uses magical weapons.

Bai Chuwei is a big magic weapon, if she enters the villain's island, she will definitely be the prey that the high-ranking gangsters will fancy. Within three days, her magical instruments were absolutely robbed.

After all, the prison head Hua Ling didn't care at all, fighting and fighting, ripping and looting magical weapons, just killing someone, he didn't care.

These wicked men went up the mountain with some reporters and couldn't help but whispered with emotion: "Hey, if this is still on the island of the villain, it would be fine."

You can take away all the magical weapons from Bai Chuwei!

The outside world is that a society under the rule of law cannot be chaotic.

If they were exposed as villains on the villainous island, there would be no good fruit outside.

The other villains heard the words and nodded deeply.

That's right.

They followed the extremely excited crowd of reporters and walked all the way towards Kunlun College, which is halfway up the mountain.

At this time, the open space at the entrance of the college was full of people, most of whom were reporters and photographers.

Kunlun College was launched with a ribbon cutting, which is what the people of China are looking forward to. If it is not broadcast live, it will be sprayed.

The sound of taking pictures one after another is endless.

A few wicked people stood in the crowd. The reporters around didn't care about them. They took video cameras and took pictures of Bai Chuwei at the gate frequently.

The reporters shouted: "Teacher Shenxian, look at us, look at our lens!"

Bai Chuwei smiled slightly, calm and composed.

She swept away her gaze lightly, and suddenly stopped in a certain direction, meaning she narrowed her eyes for a long time.

This look made many reporters sigh in their hearts, it's really a pity not to make a movie.

Standing in the crowd, a few wicked people were a little confused.

How do you feel... Bai Chuwei's sight seems to be looking at them?

It seems, really look at them!

Several people were a little surprised, why are they staring at them?

Although they are not good-looking, they are also not attractive looking crooked jujubes. They are plainly placed in the crowd and usually do not attract attention.

Why are you looking at them?

They touched their faces subconsciously, their eyes a little erratic and restless.

All the villains who have gone to the villain have tattoos on their faces.

However, after leaving the island, he was afraid of being watched by the monks and used magic techniques to cover it.

Now in this world, no one in the world knows except for the official fact that the Tianshen Academy knows that they are from the Isle of Man!

No one can see the tattoos on their faces!

Just when they were uneasy, Bai Chuwei lifted her red lips lightly and slowly moved her eyes away.

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