Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1222: Play big! War book, I took it

The dean of Kunlun College with a very good temper blushed on the spot, and he burst into foul language in the public!

It's too shameless, this is simply the most shameless request this year.

If you lose, you have to provide an academy of thousands of acres of land? ?

Even if it's the building in the magic weapon of Teacher Shenxian, who doesn't feel bad about it?

Are you still human? !

The viewers who watched online were so angry that there was smoke from their heads, one after another smashing their mouse and cellphone.

"Boss, shut up, I'm watching the Kunlun Academy live broadcast. Just be my miner for an hour."

"Smelly shameless stuff! Those college buildings belong to my fairy teacher. Let me tell you, we Kunlun College will change residences for those buildings every month, so I won't give it to you!!!"

Compared with the domestic outraged and angry audience, foreign audiences who stayed up late to watch the live broadcast enjoyed themselves.

[Building model No. 3 is a pure O-style Gothic-style college building. It is very likely that it belonged to our college hundreds of years ago, but it was hidden in space treasures. I hope they can return to O State. ]

[Yes, according to the buildings built near my home, Tenshen Academy may take decades to complete. With the new dormitory of the college teaching building, it will be easier to recruit students. ]

[Mr. Cui He is already very polite. He didn't directly challenge the Kunlun College to obtain this very oriental beautiful college building. He just asked for Ms. Bai Chuwei's inventory building. Support Mr. Cui He and hope you can win. ]


The so-called make the best use of everything, what are you doing in such a beautiful building hiding in a spatial spirit tool? What is the difference between this and waste?

This behavior is indeed shameless, and netizens post frantically under anger.

The Admissions Office of Tianshen College fell into silence, and Ai Te directly pretended to be dead.

Originally... Originally, Professor Cui did this before and caused extreme dissatisfaction with the hospital. Isn't this a mess?

But just now!

Under the live footage of the Chinese media, I clearly saw the first ascetic college elected by all Chinese netizens. Even if I saw the building inside the college across the screen, I couldn’t help but be amazed. .

This is simply an ingenious work!

How can there be such a powerful architect in the world?

The Sky City is comparable to the top mansion of Hua Guodi.

Five years? According to their efficiency, it is possible for them to build successfully for 50 years.

By that time, the day lilies were cold.

A meeting was held at the Tianshen Academy, and it was decided—

Otherwise, just open one eye and close the other.

If you win, you will have to come back to an academy, and if you lose, it will be treated as... personal grievance, eh.

Where is this just about Bai Chuwei and Cui He? It has completely become a dispute between Kunlun College and Tianshen College!

Deputy Dean Bai Chuwei represents Kunlun College, and Cui He as the chief professor represents Tianshen College! !

At this time, people all over the world are watching, and students all over the world are waiting for the results!

Who lost, lost an academy covering several thousand acres, lost face, was blown up on the first day of the school, and wanted to recruit students? A **** student!

The reporters present stared at Bai Chuwei with anxious eyes.

Even Bai Chuwei is the most famous monk in the world, but she is young and vigorous!

At this time, she was so young that she was easily impulsive, and her mind was hot, what if she agreed to such a silly war book?

Older reporters can't wait to cover Bai Chuwei's mouth!

Bai Chuwei waved the war book in her hand and chuckled lightly: "I will take the war book."

"But if you want to play, you can play a little bit bigger, it's not enough."

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