Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1224: Bai Chuwei: Many women want to bend her in thousands of years

Several wicked people were immediately dumbfounded. They didn't even think that Bai Chuwei would come such a hand, and for a moment he was confused and didn't know how to answer.

This, such a big thing, they are just professors at the Tianshen Academy, and they are not qualified to decide.

Bai Chuwei took out a silk scarf with gorgeous red roses embroidered at the corners, smiled and wiped tears to Qi Yue, who was terrified, and said casually: "What? Professor Cui wants me to have a college building of several thousand acres. If you don’t want anything, don’t play if you can’t afford it. It’s too low.”

Suddenly, many girls forgot what Bai Chuwei was talking about. They looked straight and screamed.

"God, I want to be wiped away by the fairy teacher too! Change me."

"I'm so sour, I am a lemon. I don't care about any conditions anymore, and I want the fairy goddess to comfort me."

"Sister Bai is so flirting, I am bent, I am really bent. It turns out that girls don't have to be short hair to be handsome! Teacher fairy is handsome and flirting!"


Bai Chuwei has calmed down, the women who have wanted to bend her through the ages... actually there are quite a few.

From the young queen dowager, to the innocent princess, to the daughters of the family, the innocent peasant girls in the countryside.

Ah, Duan Feihan found out that night when she had a genius with her, which caused him to guard against the girls like Qi Yue Su Ruan...

Bai Chuwei stuffed the veil into Qi Yue's hand and patted her head to make her stop crying.

The ancestors founded the eight great families back then, and have been worshipped by the eight great families for generations. Of course, they have the obligation to protect them.

It's nothing to be afraid of just a clown.

A few wicked people were surprised. Why did you think that the red rose embroidered on that handkerchief looked a bit like the rose medal of the prisoner?

Maybe... Maybe the roses are all the same, it's also possible.

Bai Chuwei said again: "My patience is limited. Give me the answer within three minutes."

Damn it!

Bai Chuwei has good skills and directly reversed the situation, from the passive side to instantly grasping the initiative.

The Tianshen Academy officials were all dumbfounded. The time Bai Chuwei gave was too short. Originally, there was still translation time for the broadcast, and they had only two minutes left after three minutes had been agreed.

Can you make such a big decision in two minutes? How can this be? !

Bai Chuwei never gave them time to think.

Bai Chuwei leaned to the side, lazily touching the aggressive stone lion at the door, saying from time to time: "One minute left, hurry up."

The reporters present almost laughed crazy.


This group of dogs have come up with such a thing, have they given them time to consider and react?

Teacher Shenxian is called a tooth for a tooth! Let you know what it's like to be forced.

Picking up an academy complex of thousands of acres of land for nothing is too tempting, and there is also a problem of face that attracts global attention.

They took the lead in sending the battle letter, and now Bai Chuwei has turned the guest away, and if he doesn't agree, he will be laughed to death.

Tianshen Academy urgently contacted the top, and finally agreed with only ten seconds left.

Come then!


Bai Chuwei touched the head of the stone lion and sighed in her heart.

These little fools are really not enough for her to play.

The ancestors were slightly disappointed.

Bai Chuwei squeezed the book of war with **** very disgustingly, glanced at Qi Yue, and said slowly: "After three days, it will be scattered."

A group of people looked at Bai Chuwei's sluggish appearance without tears, but she was not nervous at all.


Everyone was nervous except for Bai Chuwei!

Qi Yue tried her best not to let her tears fall out, she lost her former vivacity, tightly holding the handkerchief in her hand, and followed Bai Chuwei to live in Kunlun Academy sullenly.

Passing through the aura haze in the academy, I saw a long black figure standing under the big tree in front of the courtyard. A big-tailed snake hovered on the big tree on one side, revealing a tail that swayed from time to time.

Bai Chuwei laughed, "The cold is here, why don't you go directly..."

Duan Feihan glanced at the handkerchief tightly held in Qi Yue's hand, and said blankly: "You embroidered it? I don't have it."

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