Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1248: The ancestors slaughtered chickens and warned monkeys! Have you learned it?

Looking for the sound away, the shadow of a sea ship gradually appeared in the sea fog, and a graceful figure on its deck was vaguely visible.

The eyes of all the villains on the beach lit up.

Beautiful woman!

There is also a sea ship!

You must know that they have been kept on the island for so many years, let alone ugly girls, even the sows can see them. Not to mention the appearance of such a beautiful woman.

And... they are very short of boats now, this beautiful woman brought a boat. Someone handed pillows when they were dozing off!

Some villains are already whistling excitedly.

Bai Chuwei leaned halfway on the deck guardrail, which meant looking at the coast for a long time.

The magnetic field around this villain's island was really different. Her little apprentices couldn't fly away with swords at all. The ancestors loved a few newly-acquired disciples and chose a boat to drive over.

I didn't expect that these villains would directly take a look at her boat.

After a quarter of an hour, the boat slowly approached the beach on the island.

Several disciples of Liu Qi were about to respectfully ask the master Bai Chuwei to disembark first, and a group of fierce villains rushed from all directions in an instant, and they rounded up their ship in a flash!

At a glance, there are densely packed people under the ship!

The yelling and haha ​​laughter were intertwined, making Liu Qi's hearts tight.

How... How do you feel that you have come to a bad place?

It seems that the second senior brother Hua Ling really said that the villains on the island are really not fools, they are all planning to escape from the island of the villains, and have already taken action.

And it was much faster than imagined.

"Come down, this ship belongs to us." A villain looked at the ship excitedly, and kept shouting.

Boy, this boat is good!

Very large!

A villain looked at them greedily, with a fat tongue licking his lips and said, "Haha, are you little beauty in the wrong place?"

This level of insignificance plus the level of danger is difficult to meet outside. Putting it out is definitely the existence that women fear most.

The expressions of the two female disciples of Bai Chuwei changed and they subconsciously hid behind Bai Chuwei.

Bai Chuwei snorted lightly, and said lightly, "What is he afraid of? If he dares to look around, just dig out his eyes."

"Like this—"

Wen Xi suddenly felt a breeze in her ears, she subconsciously touched her earlobe, and suddenly found that her pearl earrings were missing.

In the next moment, a man's scream violently!

The man with the obscene look just now took a few steps back, arching his body and covering his eyes, blood dripping down his fingers, the pearl earrings on the beach were particularly conspicuous.

Kill the chicken and the monkey!

The noisy and excited beach just now came down silently, staring at a pair of eyes and dare not say anything.

Bai Chuwei turned her head and smiled at the two female disciples of Wenxi who had been stunned, and asked, "Have you learned?"

The two female disciples were dumbfounded.

Is this... so cruel?

Bai Chuwei raised her eyebrows: "Huh?"

The old ancestor did not kill him.

The two female disciples reacted instantly, their heads pecked like a chicken: "Learned, learned."

The world of practice is crueler than the ordinary world. Of course, this kind of insult in the eyes requires a lesson!

Hua Ling's injury was not healed, and among the wicked people who had escaped before, excluding Cui He, there was one missing. He wanted to arrest someone, but he didn't follow him this time.

Bai Chuwei led a few new disciples to meet the world.

"This fellow Taoist, are you going too far?" A Tier 1 evil person stared at Bai Chuwei warily.

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