Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1256: The citizens fled frantically, everyone was confused

Most of the major coastal cities are tourist cities, and this is a good time for tourism to generate income.

No citizen dared to take it lightly, and no one dared to take a fluke. The residents of the seaside closed the stalls, and the tourists who were sunbathing on the beach before ran fast.

Those people are not simply escaped prisoners, whoever comes out is a global A-level prison escape wanted!

To commit crimes, **** women, do everything!

Not to mention thousands of people? Comparable to the combat effectiveness of a small jun team.

Don't run now, waiting to fall into their hands?

Those with cars at home drove madly inland. Citizens without cars crowded frantically on the bus.

Even if everyone doesn't know each other, they still help each other.

This picture is like a big catastrophe of the end times.

A large number of citizens and tourists rushed inland, and the officials, who were already smoking in their heads, sent a group of teams to rush toward the coast.

To stop, we must stop the group of villains from landing with the greatest strength.

Even if you can't stop it, you have to do it all right?

The key point is that Bai Chuwei and Kunlun Academy have pretended to be dead until now. It is obviously that they have caused the misfortune. It is her lack of strict followers that led to dereliction of duty. Thousands of villains will escape from the island. She is irresponsible and has not issued any statement so far.

It's really chilling.

Kunlun College is very strict in international enrollment. There are thousands of candidates for international students, and they are the elite of foreign elites. This has caused the vast majority of foreign students to go to Kunlun College and lose the election.

People, that's it.

If you don't get what you really want, you can't help but feel sour.

Since you can't become a student of Kunlun College, it's not bad to sour Kunlun College.

"The ethics of the vice-president Bai of Kunlun College has yet to be considered, and the apprentices who have been taught have seriously neglected their duties!"

"Kunlun College is so embarrassed to laugh at Tianshen College? Bai Chuwei's apprentice stabbed such a large basket, endangering the lives of countless ordinary citizens of Linhai countries! The morality of the teacher is worrying!"

"But then again, Bai Chuwei doesn't have a teacher qualification certificate, right? What kind of deputy dean?"


The Celestial Academy hired murderous criminals as the chief professor, which did not threaten the lives and property of the people around the world!

But the basket made by Bai Chuwei's apprentice Hua Ling was different.

Once these thousands of villains land from the coastal country, they can escape everywhere in the world, which is full of threats to everyone on the earth!

In the final analysis, the Tianshen Academy was able to hire a villain to be the chief professor, wasn't it because Bai Chuwei's apprentice was negligent in guarding the villain's island?

If he hadn't neglected his duty, where would a villain go to be the chief professor of Tenshen Academy?

After all, isn't it Bai Chuwei's fault?

The immeasurable fear caused by thousands of villains about to land has caused the frightened netizens to target Bai Chuwei. The fairy teacher Bai Chuwei instantly became the target of attacks on the global network!

In the disbanded Tianshen Academy, the former and senior leadership team saw that Le was crazy and arranged various posts by the navy.

Isn't Kunlun College recently bursting with students? Then they come to help.

Also let them taste the fate of not being able to enroll students.

Eight or nine civilian ships approached the coast slowly and found that the port had been closed long ago.

I saw several rows of people in anti-terror uniforms standing on the coast, holding firearms, waiting seriously, shouting loudly: "Go back! Go back now!"

All the crew on the ship were dumbfounded.

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