Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1258: All the crew members were rescued by my master!

Reporters are always not afraid of death. When the world is paying attention to this focus, there are reporters who are not afraid of death and come to the scene and send back reports on the scene.

"Wisely and decisively, don't be merciless against these villains!"

"Good job, you can't let these villains go ashore. Bai Chuwei, have you seen it? The evil you did, but we want us to wipe your ass!"

"Why... I think something is wrong? Don't cheer for now."

"Well, I don't feel quite right. The Cui He who came out of the villain's island was so high-profile when the Melaleuca Tower confrontation was so high-profile. Why are these villains on the boat so persuaded today? Come out and fight."

It's really wrong.

According to reason, there should be a fierce battle, right?

Why... quiet as a chicken?

Just when everyone was unpredictable, only one person jumped off the deck of the civilian ship and stepped on the waves towards the port, very fast.

Mr. Old Earl was startled, what villain is still alive? Running faster and faster?

"Kill him... get rid of—"

The assistant on the side almost jumped up, "Old gentleman, this is one of Bai Chuwei's new disciples recently. It seems to be Liu Qi."

Everyone was stunned.

Liu Qi?

How did he get involved with thousands of villains again?

I glanced at the civilian ship that was still silent, and suddenly everyone's mind was cast with a bad feeling...

Could it be--

Liu Qi still can't learn enough to walk on the waves now, and can only run a short distance, and the legs of his pants are soaked in sea water.

He went ashore, panting slightly, his handsome face was full of anger, and said angrily: "Are you crazy? All seamen on board! No villains!"

"Are you blind? Fuck me!"

Liu Qi, such a polite student tyrant, couldn't help but swear. After living for more than 20 years, he encountered such a speechless oolong incident for the first time!

Your own person beat your own person? Is there a mistake?

? ? ? ?

Everyone on the shore was dumbfounded, almost thinking they had heard it wrong.

The people on board are... seamen?

Mr. Old Earl subconsciously said: "Impossible, we saw that there are at least nearly a thousand on the ship, there are too many people...Could it be—"

The old earl's green and muddy eyes shrank, and his voice stopped completely.

Liu Qi suffocated his neck with anger, and yelled: "Nearly a thousand people? Of course nearly a thousand people! All the seafarers who were caught by the villains and still alive, have my master rescued them?!"

Those villains robbed seven or eight big ships, and most of them were more than one hundred crew members on each civilian ship. Isn't it hundreds or nearly a thousand people?

There was no sound.

Everyone was silly, their eyes fixed on the big ship in the distance.

The people on the boat are not villains, but...the crew?

Moreover, Bai Chuwei was saved?

All the netizens in the world who are concerned about this matter are also stupid and lose their hands.

The whole world is criticizing Bai Chuwei's unfavorable followers, and the apprentice's dereliction of duty has caused a global disaster. As a result... this thing did not exist at all, and she herself saved hundreds of crew members.

How many families are behind these crew members?

This move may be more powerful than Bai Chuwei rescued an airplane passenger...

At least, the number has been crushed.

Just when everyone looked stupid, a loud noise came from the distant sea!

Everyone’s attention was drawn to the past--

Several civilian ships on the sea capsized.

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