Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1275: Can I see Sister Rose at the opening ceremony?

Seeing that the life teacher did not believe it, Xiao Shorthand immediately took off his little schoolbag, grabbed a crumpled admission notice from it, and handed it to the life teacher.

She also shook the small schoolbag smoothly and poured out the milk bottle inside.

The teacher of life began to look at it. The admission notice stated clearly-"Jin Xiaobao" at the beginning, and there was a high-definition portrait on the side, indeed it was a milk doll.

The life teacher finally remembered that there are not too few children among the first freshmen, and this Jin Xiaobao is the youngest of the freshmen, only three years old!

Kunlun College is not the same as a university. As a spiritual institute, the younger you are, the easier it is to enter the gate of spiritual practice.

Therefore, minor students can apply for admission to Kunlun College with the consent of their parents, but unlike other adult students, they have to participate in the nine-year compulsory education.

Xiaobao's five senses have not yet fully developed, and she looks quite cute like a soft bun. Although the life teacher is a female monk, her motherhood is aroused. She gently asked, "Student Xiaobao, why did you come to the college alone? Baba Didn't Ma Ma send you here?"

The rest of the underage students were sent by their parents.

When Xiaobao heard this, he held an empty baby bottle and bit on the pacifier, and whispered aggrievedly: "When Ma Ma Sheng Xiaobao died, Baba wants to marry Xin Ma Ma without Xiaobao."

Ah this...

The life teacher suddenly felt distressed, the child was really pitiful, and immediately took him to report and select the dormitory.

"There will be a school opening ceremony later, Xiaobao remember to go with the classmates." The life teacher patted his little head.

Jin Xiaobao became a little confused, and asked milkily, "Can I see Sister Rose at the opening ceremony?"

The teacher of life was blindfolded: "???"

What sister rose? Is there such a person in the college?

Jin Xiaobao: "Sister God!"

Life teacher: "..." I still don't understand.

Xiaobao sighed helplessly.

Because Jin Xiaobao was too young, the rest of the freshmen couldn't help but show pity and love and took good care of him.

Seeing this little guy walking and staggering, a group of freshmen screamed, this milk doll was sent to Kunlun College so big? You haven’t learned Pinyin yet, right?

How did he get in?

I don’t know if money came in from the house?

Elite freshmen are more or less aware of competition, but in the face of such a milk doll, they are not at all competitive.

Just such a milk doll, even if it was stuffed in by family members, it is estimated that among the thousand and one new students, it is also the column at the end of the crane, which is not to be feared.

"Little Treasure, let's go to the opening ceremony together." A teenage brother on the side took the hand of the milk doll and walked all the way to the Kunlun College Thousand People Auditorium.

The opening ceremony has not yet begun, everyone arrived early, and stood in groups to chat.

Xiao Bao looked up at the crowd not far away, enviously said: "That big brother is so popular, many people like him."

The people around them looked a little bit sour. Those who can enter Kunlun Academy are really elites. The key people are handsome and friendly!

How long is this school? Just had a group of friends at Kunlun College.

Xu Xingchen's eyes were full of smiles, with a gentle smile on his face, chatting with the students around him.

God is still on his side. He is always so lucky. Kunlun College enrolled for the first time. He attended and was admitted.

I heard that Duan Xingye also signed up, but unfortunately he was brushed down.

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