Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1279: Versailles literature! Hua Ling's proposal rejected

The new student ceremony ended soon. When the dean and deputy deans left, the new students surrounded Jin Xiaobao with eager eyes!

Xiao Bao hugged his rose nervously, for fear that it would also be snatched away.

A freshman asked very curiously: "Xiaobao Xueba, how did you get the first place? So good?"

Xiaobao was puzzled: "Just like that..."

The exams in this academy are so strange, he thought he was playing games before.

"Do you know how to practice before? You should be a basic monk? Do you know how to fly with swords?" A 13 or 4 year old girl next to her asked expectantly.

"Flying with the sword?" Little Bao tilted his head and thought for a while, "Little Bao can't."

His grandfather had taught him before, how can the current patriarch, who is an ancient survivor, rely on flying swords?

How shameful is this family?

Everyone is about to feel disappointed. How did the sword flying get the first place?

Jin Xiaobao: "Xiaobao never uses swords, he can fly directly."

As he said, the little person sprang up with a "swish" and flew directly higher than the adult's head.

The eyeballs of the new students all stared out: "!!!"

Damn, this little guy has been familiar with Versailles literature since he was a child!

Is the level so high that you don’t need a sword to fly? Can you fly by yourself?

Damn, this is such a gangster!


Bai Chuwei, as the deputy dean, lives on the highest peak of the mountain at Kunlun College. She stands quietly on the mountain and can listen to the sound of the spring flowing down the mountain.

The freshman ceremony only started today, so I stayed in the bedroom of the college temporarily.

The Snowball guy and Su Jing went down the mountain to the cafeteria and grabbed food with the freshmen.

Bai Chuwei slept on the soft collapse, holding a few pieces of mud in her hand.

Hearing a gust of wind in his ears, Bai Chuwei didn't even lift his head, knowing it was Duan Feihan and one million.

One million looked around in the bedroom and didn't see the stupid mouse, so he simply slipped out of the window and flew straight to the canteen below the mountain.

Duan Feihan just finished her day's work. As soon as she entered her bedroom at Kunlun College, she saw Bai Chuwei making mud, and there was some colored mud on the table.

Duan Feihan raised his eyebrows: "What are you pinching?"

After asking, Duan Feihan suddenly felt bad, always feeling that Bai Chuwei pinched out a human shape.

The old ancestor raised his eyelids and said casually: "You can't give birth, pinch a doll to make it fresh and fresh."

Seeing the little patriarch Xiaobao, Bai Chuwei suddenly became interested.

It is impossible for an ordinary baby to be stuffed back again. She squeezes a clay figurine and does not have this worry.

Duan Feihan snarled: "..."

Can't give birth.

Duan Feihan sat down on her soft side, his slender fingers gently unbuttoned the two buttons of the suit, and gently pulled off the tie on her neck. His voice was low, "Try again?"

It is impossible to try again.

The mountain breeze outside suddenly became heavier, blowing away the fog in the mountains.

Bai Chuwei suddenly put down the semi-finished clay figure in her hand, and put one hand on Duan Feihan's arm, her voice was faint: "Hanhan, I suddenly don't want to have a baby anymore."

Duan Feihan was startled.

In the next instant, someone knocked on the bedroom door from outside, and a figure rushed in like a tornado, and rushed towards Bai Chuwei.

The man cried and lay on Bai Chuwei’s soft couch, and shouted in choked voice: "Master, my proposal was rejected by the elder sister. She wants to marry someone else as a wife, so she is a second marriage! I'm done, she Don't forget me, no one spends the billions I earned..."

Hua Ling cried so badly that she couldn't help herself.

Bai Chuwei lifted her eyelids, and said, "Han Han, have you seen it? It's better to have a stupid son like this."

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