Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1284: Signed the marriage deed that witnessed the way of heaven! Bai Chuwei is crazy

Ancient survivors?

Excluding the fox tribe, the true ancient tribes died out as early as the battle of the gods, and those who survived were the tribes who were greedy for life and feared death, and they were all unsuccessful.

Her righteous brother, the God of Light and the God of Giant Spirit, who were most valued back then, had already died on the battlefield of the Battle of the Gods.

The ancestors of the ancients are regarded by others, but not necessarily by the ancestors.

Her apprentice deserves all the best things in this world!

With the capital given by the ancestors.

Bai Chuwei, this is a rhythm to protect shortness.

The students watching the excitement at the door, staring at the marble table being slapped into powder by Bai Chuwei's palm, everyone was silent.

If this palm was slapped on their heads, I couldn't even think about it.

The students didn't understand, and didn't know that Teacher Shenxian wanted to regret the marriage for their disciples.

The identity of the ancient survivors is not simple.

The dowry team of hundreds of people has a distinguished family background.

That elder sister also dumped Hua Ling because of this, which shows that she herself agreed to the marriage.

What does Bai Chuwei have to refuse?

The housekeeper was trembling with anger long ago by Bai Chuwei, and pointed at Bai Chuwei with trembling fingers: "What is the surviving clan of the ancients? My clan has continued from the ancients more than 5,000 years ago and has never been cut off!"

The butler looked arrogant and suddenly sneered: "I went to the seminary meeting before, and the patriarch of my clan was invited to attend and decided to stay the last **** in the east. Fellow Bai Daoist had been to the seminary meeting, and there was no gate to the temple. Go in, my clan is not a big deal?"

Listen to what this says?

The students were eager to hear, why go to the seminary meeting?

This conference sounds taller than the conferences of nations around the world!

The corners of Bai Chuwei's lips twitched lightly and smiled intriguingly.

It seems that Xiaobao's child is still very obedient, and no one has been disclosed about the content of the seminar.

Good boy.

Bai Chuwei teased her ears and hair, "Have you finished talking? Remove all these things after you finish, don't get in the way."


The housekeeper turned green with anger.

You must know that their Jin family is not really good, but some time ago they inexplicably received an invitation letter to the meeting of the Upper Divinity, arguing that the last deity of the East should stay or stay, and the status of the Jin family has risen.

Such a large team of betrothal cultivators all over the country are staring at it, and now they bring the betrothal back intact, and they have to be laughed at by major cultivating families, and their status will return to the past.

Bai Chuwei deceived too much!

The butler's tone was extremely strong: "Friend Bai Daoist, today you have to accept these dowry gifts, and you have to accept them if you don't! Don't be shameless!"

The fire in the housekeeper's heart suddenly flew, and he immediately yelled, sarcastically saying: "Friend Bai Daoist may not know, but your apprentice has signed a marriage contract with my master. This has been witnessed before Heaven!"

Have you signed a marriage deed in front of Heaven? Then... Then this marriage is really a certainty.

Hua Ling was shocked, Bai Chuwei's expression remained unchanged, and she looked at the girl beside her.

Leng Xueqin did not speak, just lowered his head.

Everyone was in an uproar and signed the marriage deed? Although they are new students and have a little understanding of the term "marriage deed", they also vaguely know that it is hard to regret the marriage if they sign it?

Seeing Bai Chuwei stopped speaking, the butler showed a smug smile on his face.

As a monk, who would dare to regret the marriage contract witnessed by the heaven under the heavenly way?

Bai Chuwei's expression was indifferent: "Really? The marriage deed?"

The housekeeper smiled, but the master was still clever, for fear that this group of people would regret it, and specially asked him to come with the marriage deed.

The butler carefully took out the marriage deed and handed it to Bai Chuwei: "Fellow Daoist Bai, see for yourself, it is the signature of your apprentice."

Bai Chuwei took it.

Then everyone saw her palms, and suddenly a flame jumped out...

Everyone:? ? ?

Damn it, what is Bai Chuwei doing? ! !

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