Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1287: In this world, only her master can solve this

A group of students was so frightened that they quickly gave way to the team that gave the betrothal gift and watched them go down the mountain and leave.

Absolutely, so many dowry gifts were carried, but they were sent back.

I have to mention that these betrothal gifts are really sincere, and ordinary people have long been tempted to sell their daughters.

Let alone an apprentice.

Hua Ling was beaming, her face was red with joy, her eyes were staring straight at the girl beside Bai Chuwei, and she enthusiastically said: "Master sister, don't be sad. I have these gifts too. I will prepare one for you, which will be richer and more abundant. ! I still have billions, spend whatever you want."

Leng Xueqin's indifferent gaze couldn't help but smile, and she quickly moved away without saying a word.

Without any response, Hua Ling was still very happy.

His senior sister has this temperament, and he has long been used to it.

Bai Chuwei snorted coldly, and said without a smile: "Okay, you all do."

"None of you can save your worries. One inexplicably entered the villain's island and spent decades in jail. The other also stabbed me! I haven't told me in advance!"

It’s not clear that I have signed a marriage contract that has witnessed the way of heaven!

In today's world of global practice, except for her, Bai Chuwei, who dares to dare to beat the Tao of Heaven?

Rao is an apprentice like Hua Ling, and he doesn't dare to disobey God.

Leng Xueqin heard the words, and a trace of guilt appeared in her pure and beautiful face, and she whispered: "Master..."

Bai Chuwei sneered and glanced at Duan Feihan, who had been quiet and silent.

Have you seen it? The apprentices are so uneasy, let alone the babies. It's really the wisest thing for us to have no babies.

Duan Feihan didn't answer. The words Bai Chuwei said just now appeared in his mind: "Hanhan, you didn't have any thoughts last night."

With a cold face, Bai Chuwei looked at Liu Qi and the others, and said, "Have you seen? Just the two of them, your elder sister and the second elder brother, are just the opposite examples of causing trouble to me all day long!"

Liu Qi and the others hurriedly nodded, holding their chests to ensure that they would not cause trouble to Master.

Where would Bai Chuwei believe it? Apprentices love to cause trouble to Master more or less.

No way, who made her the master?

Obviously it was a reprimand, but this made the surrounding freshmen very envious.

Shenxian teacher protects the calf very well, for the disciple said that offending the ancient survivors would be offended, and he did not even hesitate.

Who does not envy, who does not want?

"Woo, I envy them for having such a master. With such a master, what kind of husband do they need?" A girl could not hold it anymore, and cried out.

"Yeah, I also want to be a disciple of Teacher Shenxian. This is the real safe haven. I feel sour."

"Vice Dean Bai just angered the steward of the ancient survivors. Isn't that so handsome?! I am willing to spend thirty years single, in exchange for the opportunity to become a disciple of the fairy teacher."

"I traded for fifty years of being single..."

The students cried with envy. They already envied others when they entered Kunlun College, but they now admire Liu Qi's direct disciples even more!

So happy, right?

Leng Xueqin looked bad and kept her head down.

She stabbed the big basket, but she had seen the marriage contract of Tiandao...

Leng Xueqin didn't know if he was causing serious trouble to the master, but when he got the roses from the little patriarch Xiaobao and his dad, his mind suddenly awake.

At the moment of waking up, the first reaction was to find Master quickly.

Witnessing the marriage contract of Tiandao, she could not handle it even if she was one of the rare female monks in the world.

In this world, only her master can help her solve this tricky matter.

Bai Chuwei looked at Leng Xueqin and said lightly, "Kneel me down."

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