Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1292: The third prize of the college, a person on the blacklist of the Chinese spiritual co

Tong Qingyan was so frightened that she quickly retracted her hand. Hearing the piercing siren, she felt uneasy, and turned around to run.

Where there is Bai Chuwei, there must be nothing good for her.

Tong Qingyan couldn't care about the appointment with Xu Xingchen outside the door, and turned around and ran away.

The wooden door "creaked" and was quickly pushed open from the inside out. A group of students decisively rushed out from the inside. Their eyes were about to glow green. They stared directly at Tong Qingyan, and yelled, "The third class in the college." Award, catch it!"

The college reports to the police, which are usually enemy attacks, otherwise they are some murderers who have been blacklisted in the spiritual world.

Tong Qingyan: "???"

Originally this was the daytime, under the blazing sun, Tong Qingyan was weaker than ordinary people, how could he compare to the group of young and strong new students?

A group of freshmen cooperated well, first surrounded Tong Qingyan, then swarmed up, put Tong Qingyan in with a sack, and hurriedly dragged it into the college.

Haha, the third prize of the college, everyone sees it!

This is the rule set by Kunlun College, which is different from the scholarships of ordinary universities. Kunlun College has also set up various awards to encourage students to practice.

Among them, the murderer who threatened the college was the third prize.

Although I didn't see how this woman looked like a murderer who dared to threaten the college, the college called the police!

Regardless of three seven twenty one, catch it first.

It's not that Tong Qingyan didn't want to go to Kunlun College, but never thought that she was dragged in by a sack!

Across the sack, she could also hear a group of students rushing to the teachers enthusiastically, asking for the third prize.

Tong Qingyan had long wanted to curse in her heart, she turned out to be a tool for this group of students to claim credit!

Since Kunlun College was established, the perpetrators who reported to the police have been caught for the first time, and the students who had long been unable to restrain themselves left class early and went straight to the central square.

Xu Xingchen was in a bad mood today. This morning, she had a basic practice class. Jin Xiaobao's milk doll arrived half a class late. As a result, during the class test, Jin Xiaobao easily took the first place and beat him.

In high school, he was always first in the class and first in the grade.

Even if you go to university, your academics are the first.

It turned out to be hit hard enough by that milk doll.

Just after class, I was dragged by my classmates to the central square to watch the excitement, saying that the murderer was caught.

Xu Xingchen's heart trembled, with an ominous premonition.

The murderer was caught... wouldn't it be Tong Qingyan?

Xu Xingchen immediately squeezed into the third and outer human walls, and saw Tong Qingyan pouring out of the sack, his face pale.

It's really Tong Qingyan!

Xu Xingchen took a deep breath and said, "Dear students have misunderstood, she is not a murderer, but a friend of mine. She came to see me at the entrance of the college."

Xu Xingchen didn't dare to say that he was his girlfriend. Asceticism academy attaches great importance to character. He has a Taoist couple and a girlfriend, and he has been credited 100%.

Tong Qingyan also quickly admitted, crying in her voice: "I, I'm really not a bad person, you have misunderstood."

The surrounding students are also full of doubts, can this beautiful and harmless look be a murderer? Wouldn't it be wrong?

What's wrong with the college's alarm system?

A group of students were disappointed. Could it be that their third prize just flew?

It doesn't look like a murderer at all.

Several cultivating teachers also felt that the girl did not look like a bad person, and was trying to get her to leave here quickly, when a laughing voice came from behind: "Tong Qingyan, you are quite fat."

The pupils of several teachers shrank and exclaimed: "Tong Qingyan??"

Nima, the figure on the blacklist of the Chinese spiritual world?

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