Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1298: The wrath of the ancient bereaved: The little patriarch became a flower girl?

Following Bai Chuwei, her seniority jumped several levels.

The ancestors have always been lazy, but tonight they are extraordinarily energetic. Their beautiful eyes are as bright as stars, and their faces are full of relief. They watched Leng Xueqin and Hua Ling walk towards them under the leadership of Jin Xiaobao.

That's right, Jin Xiaobao was chosen as the flower girl.

Before becoming a flower girl, she deliberately drank a big bottle of milk.

When Leng Xueqin first saw Jin Xiaobao, she was surprised for a moment, but she was cold by nature, didn't like to talk too much, and didn't like to talk about other people's private affairs. She just smiled at Jin Xiaobao and didn't say much.

Master wants Jin Xiaobao to be a flower girl, of course Leng Xueqin listens to her master.

Anyway, in this world, even if Hua Ling might have the opportunity to defeat her, her master would never harm her, that's the kind of trust.

Jin Xiaobao took the two to Bai Chuwei, Leng Xueqin and Hua Ling knelt down at the same time, and said, "Master and Master, good evening."

Bai Chuwei and Duan Feihan looked as usual and nodded at the same time.

Students on the sidelines: "..."

It feels weird no matter how you look at it.

However, it is really exciting to be able to see the bonding ceremony of Taoist couples in the spiritual world.

They have heard the predecessor Hua Ling brag about it, the Daoist couple’s contract can be even more powerful than the outside world getting a marriage certificate, and that is only for the monks who truly agree!

Marriage certificate? You can get many copies in the outside world.

Bai Chuwei smiled and looked at the two apprentices. He didn't expect that the little girl and boy who were brought back from the roadside in the past, now that decades have passed, they will also become Taoists.

Hua Ling knelt on the ground and waited for a while, and found that Master had not spoken. He had always been very anxious. He couldn't help raising his head to look at Bai Chuwei, and urged in a low voice: "Master, do you better hold the ceremony?"

So as not to have many dreams at night.

What if his elder sister suddenly wakes up and feels that he has lost money with him, and wants to be a single, rich woman and monk, so she turns around and runs away?

Bai Chuwei smiled in her starry eyes and looked outside the door, with a melodious tone: "What's the hurry? Someone has come to give a gift."

Everyone present was shocked!

Xu Xingchen, who stood closest to the gate, narrowed his eyes and saw a group of familiar people coming outside...

Someone yelled: "Fuck! Ancient bereaved family, Jin family!"

Before a person arrives, he hears it first:

"Friend Bai Daoist is afraid of misunderstanding, this is not a gift, this is a bride price." The young man's laughter followed the wind.

Soon, through the night, all the students saw a sallow-looking young man sitting on a wheelchair, with a vigorous white-haired old man walking on one side, the housekeeper of the Jin house behind him, and a group of servants who were carrying the betrothal gifts. .

Jin Xiaobao was so scared that his face was almost wrinkled into a bun, his hair was about to stand up, and his short legs were about to flee subconsciously.

Oh oh oh, why are Grandpa and Baba here?

Jin Xiaobao was so frightened that tears were coming out. Sister Rose insisted that he be a flower girl. Grandpa and father had to catch him. He didn't know if his cat rhubarb was punished by them?

Jin Xiaobao panicked, but he could see people all around, the little one stumbled and ran towards Bai Chuwei, his small face was immediately buried on Bai Chuwei's leg, showing an ostrich state.

As long as he hides his face, they won't see Xiaobao.

But at any rate, he is also his own child, can he not recognize him?

After Father Jin and Jin Yongkang came in, they fixed their eyes on the little back.

Jin Yongkang slapped a palm on the armrest, furious: "Friend Bai Daoist, good life, rampant, buckle, my son, unexpectedly, let me, son, be a flower girl???"

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