Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1302: Bai Chuwei = the last **** in the East? ?

Old man Jin looked ugly, raised his hand to Bai Chuwei, and said respectfully: "Senior Bai, can you calm down now?"

Bai Chuwei knows the temperament of her big apprentice quite well, and seeing that she just slapped Jin Yongkang to give it to Jin Yongkang, it was already extremely restrained.

Bai Chuwei stared at the old man Jin and just smiled, her eyes fell on the boxes full of the betrothal gifts, and smiled slightly: "The Jin family really deserves to be a survivor of the ancients. Come to the ceremony of my apprentice Daolu to observe the gift and give so many gifts. gift?"

"Then we are disrespectful."

Old man Jin: "..."

The Jin family was all confused.

Bai Chuwei's words mean--

Fuck, these were supposed to be dowry gifts, but now they have become gifts?

Although they are all gifts, this has two meanings.

Thinking of so many good things in the box, the servants up and down the Jin family almost couldn't hold it, almost bleeding.

This is really blood loss, blood loss.

Old man Jin couldn't maintain the smile on his face, and he took a deep breath and said, "This is what the younger generation should do. Since you come to the ceremony, you have to prepare a small gift."

Leng Xueqin was okay, as always, she looked deserted, like a goddess of ice and snow in the snow.

Hua Ling on the side was about to pull away with a smile, and couldn't help but say: "Thank you, thank you."

Sure enough, their master protects the calf and loves the apprentice.

You see, some time ago, I helped him get back billions of wages, and now I helped them get a super gift.

Picking up money for nothing.

The dean noticed one thing--

This old man Jin used to call Bai Chuwei "Friend of Daoist Bai", but just now suddenly changed his name to "Senior Bai".

Obviously, Chuwei didn't do anything, but just forced Jin Yongkang to drink tea.

If it's because Bai Chuwei is number one on the top list, that's impossible.

Bai Chuwei ranked first in the sky, and no one knew about the underground forum.

The dean couldn't understand it, and he was already speechless. He didn't expect such a result at all, and immediately looked at the dean of education who was also looking stupid.

Since the ancient survivor Jin family came to "watch the ceremony," the dean immediately arranged the best seat for Mr. Jin.

As for Kim Yongkang? do not care.

Jin Xiaobao? The students in our college have nothing to do in the college.

Hua Ling touched her almost grinning face, and looked at Bai Chuwei hopefully, "Master, can we start now?"

It was too much time just now. He was really anxious. He wanted to make a bond with the couple quickly, and he wanted to go back to the room quickly and get tired and crooked with the senior sister. It's best to hurry up and make a basket of disciples for his master.

The expressions of the people around watching the ceremony shrank.

The arrival of the Jin Family, the ancient bereaved clan, can only be regarded as an episode.

The theme of tonight is...Leng Xueqin and Hua Ling Dao couple together.

Everyone looked at each other for a moment, and the new student was also a little scared.

Who didn't know that Bai Chuwei burned the marriage contract that had witnessed the way of heaven? Now I still want to succeed in the Daolu...

I don't know if there will really be a damnation.

Bai Chuwei didn't seem to see the worried expressions of everyone, she curled her lips and smiled: "What are you worried about?"

Bai Chuwei looked at the worried dean on one side, and suddenly the bull head asked in an awkward manner: "President, where is the murderer caught some time ago?"

The dean was confused: "The murderer? That blood named Tong Qingyan? He is still in the academy and will be handed over to the Unnatural Administration in two days. Deputy Dean Bai, what can I do to mention her? Is something wrong?"

Bai Chuwei smiled slightly: "Tell her to come and watch the ceremony."

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