Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1313: Trust Vice President Bai unconditionally! Prepare with both hands!

There is no impermeable wall in this world. What's more, the incident was so big last night that the whole night turned into daylight. Instead of offending Bai Chuwei, Tiandao used thunder to redraw the marriage contract, giving Hua Linghe a lot. Leng Xueqin face.

To be precise, it gave Bai Chuwei enough face.

I have to say that Tian Dao is indeed the fairest and most merciful existence in this world. Bai Chuwei is so rampant that he ruined the marriage contract that Tian Dao has witnessed, and Tian Dao can kindly let go of Bai Chuwei, and even Tian Dao has no next one.

As a monk, he respected the Way of Heaven.

In contrast, Bai Chuwei suddenly felt that Bai Chuwei was too much.

Relying on knowing that the way of heaven is benevolent, not worrying about the monks in the world, and depending on how much he has cultivated, can Bai Chuwei bully the way of heaven like a mother?

"Ancient survivors are not a benevolent way of heaven. The grandson of the Jin family has disappeared. If Bai Chuwei doesn't find out, this matter will not be resolved."

"How long has Kunlun College been established? It's such a big incident, and students are lost. Isn't it irresponsible? Now the world is staring at Kunlun College. If you don't handle it this time, I am afraid that the reputation of the entire Kunlun College will be It's hard to get damaged by this."

"Have you heard? The Jin family has already issued a post. As long as the monks who can provide the specific address of the Heavenly Medical Alliance, they can receive the Jin family's thanks."

This is exactly what the Kunlun College executives worry about.

There is only Kunlun Academy in the world, and Tianshen Academy cannot be founded because of them. Kunlun Academy is being stared by countless eyes around the world.

If one fails, it will be caught by the handle, and it will be black and decent.

The student Jin Xiaobao was kidnapped and disappeared. Even if the Jin family has not held the college accountable, foreign countries are already ready to move.

If your Kunlun College can't even protect the personal safety of your students, what kind of ascetic college has been established?

Does any parent dare to entrust their children to a college that can't even protect students?

Arranging some naval forces in it can influence the thinking of ordinary parents with rhythm.

Kunlun College is a big plan for China. As long as the time is right, China will stand out in a new global era. Therefore, Kunlun College is absolutely not allowed to fail.

The dean glanced at the round table in the conference room, and sure enough, Bai Chuwei's position was still empty.

This is also the reason why Bai Chuwei did not want to be the dean in the first place, but only wanted to be the deputy dean, and did not want to work hard.

Now even the college meetings come when they want to come, but don’t come when they don’t want to.

The dean took a deep breath, looked around at the senior high-levels of the college with the same cold look, suddenly slapped his palm on the table, and said solemnly: "We believe that Vice Dean Bai, she can let Jin Xiaobao come back safely. However, the Kunlun Academy plan absolutely cannot There is a loss because we can't afford to gamble. We must prepare for both hands!"

The dean paused and continued: "According to the note, the Tianyi League asked Bai Chuwei to exchange "Tong Qingyan", so Tong Qingyan would not hand it over to the Unnatural Administration."

"At least in terms of attitude, our Kunlun College must show an attitude to parents around the world, and absolutely care about the life and property of every student admitted to the hospital!"

The surrounding academy executives took a breath, and surprise flashed in their eyes.

What is the origin of this Tong Qingyan?

There is someone who will help her at this time? To redeem her?

A senior executive hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but said, "President, should you wait for Vice President Bai to make a statement?"

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