Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1316: Arctic ice field! Wait a minute, where is it?

Elder Jin was stunned, and he reacted shockingly. In this world, the last **** of the East was removed from the world. Even the pretentious monks in the family of cultivation, can only make way for Bai Chuwei.

She knew the whereabouts of the Heavenly Medicine League, and it was reasonable.

Father Jin thought that Bai Chuwei once gave Jin Xiaobao roses. Xiaobao secretly escaped from the family and went to find Bai Chuwei the first time. He went to Kunlun Academy and had a close friendship with Bai Chuwei.

It is the blessing of their Jin family to be able to make friends with monks like Bai Chuwei, who is second only to Tiandao.

Thinking of this, Mr. Jin calmed down a lot, and soon asked urgently: "In this case, Senior White, shall we set out to find Xiaobao immediately?"

Bai Chuwei glanced at the old man's physique, with a slightly disgusting tone: "You still forget it."

Old man Jin: "..." He was looked down upon as an old man?

Old man Jin quickly said again: "Then Senior White, take a look, the cultivation bases of the monks in the Jin family are good. Would you like to call one or two monks to help out?"

The sturdy monks behind Mr. Jin straightened their chests when they heard this, looking expectantly at Bai Chuwei, wishing to introduce herself to Bai Chuwei.

After all, it is an ancient survivor, and there are always a few monks who can handle it.

Bai Chuwei glanced at it and knew that the cultivation of the Jin family monks in front of him was at least the same as the Dean of Kunlun Academy.

Bai Chuwei shook her head: "No, my apprentices are enough."

Old man Jin: "???"

How many apprentices are enough?

Mr. Jin asked tentatively: "Hua Ling and Leng Xueqin, two apprentices?"

Wen Xi hurriedly said at the back: "No, the elder sister and the second elder brother are going to spend their honeymoon, just a few of us will go with the master."

When Mr. Jin heard this, he suddenly had a heart attack.

The Heavenly Medicine League can take away Jin Xiaobao from the Kunlun Academy Array. Can the cultivation base be low?

Bai Chuwei was really arrogant, she didn't pay attention to the Heavenly Medicine League at all, she actually had to take a few novice disciples who were only admitted to the sect to upgrade her instance.

But when I thought that Bai Chuwei looked down on Heavenly Dao, Mr. Jin could only give it up.

The disciples of Liu Qi and the others were quite excited. They were not worried that the place they would go was the wolf den.

As long as you follow the master, all the wind and rain in front of you will be transferred.

A strong sense of happiness.

The disciple asked: "Master, Master, are we packing up things and set off right now?"

Bai Chuwei bends the corners of her lips and smiles meaningfully: "Don't the Heavenly Medical Alliance want Tong Qingyan? Then give it to them."

Tong Qingyan didn't expect that she was so lucky. She actually ran into dog feces. Some students were arrested, and she also indicated that she would be exchanged.

In the presence of so many students in the entire college, the senior management of Kunlun College had to compromise for the reputation of the college and was not prepared to hand her over to the Unnatural Administration.

All this is thanks to Xu Xingchen. If Xingchen hadn't rushed out of the academy at the risk of being recorded, and Jin Xiaobao happened to be arrested, the academy would not compromise.

Because of this, the previous resentment towards Xu Xingchen in her heart disappeared a lot.

As soon as Tong Qingyan saw Bai Chuwei walk in, a smile appeared in her eyebrows.

Bai Chuwei is pretentious, extremely arrogant, and makes things difficult for her. Isn't this still not enough for her luck? Still have to compromise for the students?

Tong Qingyan raised Erlang's legs, pretending to smile leisurely: "Who do I say this is? It turned out to be a white school girl? I'm very interested today. Come..."

Bai Chuwei interrupted: "Let's go."

Tong Qingyan was frustrated by Bai Chuwei, and she scolded Bai Chuwei thousands of words in her heart. This enchantress didn't give her time to mock her at all!

Tong Qingyan got up and walked outside, with a sneer in his mouth: "Isn't the white school flower really amazing? Why don't you put anyone in your eyes? Why let me go out?"

Bai Chuwei: "Arctic Ice Field."

Tong Qingyan's smile disappeared: "???"

Wait a minute, where is it? Bai Chuwei, you say it again?

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