Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1328: I have lived in this world for more than five thousand four hundred years

Everyone: "???"

Wait, wait a minute... What does it mean to be more than 150 years old?


The director almost didn't mention it in one breath, and was suffocated in his super cold suit!

Is Bai Chuwei really the one who can apply for breaking the Guinness record for longevity?

In the next second, Bai Chuwei smiled nonchalantly: "I, I have lived in this world for more than five thousand four hundred years."

To be precise, it was 5422.


The anticipation on everyone's faces disappeared, and they looked at Bai Chuwei with some speechlessness.

I thought I could hear any real revelations from Bai Chuwei's mouth. It turned out to be a joke.

Knowing that there are immortals in this world, it was revealed that Bai Chuwei had lived for more than a hundred years, and the crew was still acceptable.

But the director heard that the director Wang of "Super Brain Learning Ba" received the secret of longevity from Bai Chuwei at the celebration banquet!

But if Bai Chuwei lived for more than five thousand years, he would be emmmm...

Teacher Shenxian is really humorous sometimes. At this time, she can still make jokes to show that she has the chance to win.

Cow breaking!

The members of the Heavenly Medical Alliance looked nervous, and Zheng Xian and Zheng Xiangyang were even more tense.

Damn, Bai Chuwei's calm and composed look suddenly reminded them of her appearance when she first visited the door. She was also so calm and calm, without paying attention to the then leader of the Heavenly Medicine League.

Tong Qingyan's face was even more ugly. Listening to this tone, she didn't feel so relaxed, letting her find a loophole and escape.

Tong Qingyan was in a complicated mood, lowering her head, constantly lowering her sense of existence.

Bai Chuwei touched Jin Xiaobao's soft and warm fluffy hat, and said in a long tone: "As for what you said to deceive the outside world into a boy, it's a shame."

She didn't deceive Duan Feihan.

As for the baby? ?

Bai Chuwei sighed, Hanhan's ability was still a bit short.

Although the baby didn't have one, she wanted to pinch how many, and then collectively called Duan Feihan. Thinking about that scene, it would be very shocking, right?

Jin Xiaobao nestled in Bai Chuwei's arms, her big grape-like eyes rolled around, and suddenly said, "Sister Rose, they bullied Xiaobao."

The little guy is still angry now, he just wanted to ride a sleigh, but he was bullied!

Bai Chuwei raised her eyes and looked at them with a smile.

With that look, everyone in the Heavenly Medicine League shuddered!

It is estimated that nothing good!

Bai Chuwei said in a faint voice: "Liu Qi, go check the evidence that they continue to make fake drugs on the ice field and see where these drugs are going."

The look of the members of the Tianyi League has changed drastically!

Damn it, Bai Chuwei, a poisonous woman, hasn't changed in a hundred years. The big snake hit seven inches!

Liu Qi and the others nodded and walked forward, but Zheng Xian and the others stopped.

Zheng Xian's voice was sharp: "Bai Chuwei, don't deceive others too much! You once destroyed my Heavenly Medical Alliance and expelled us all to the Arctic ice sheet. Are you going to kill them now?"

"Have you never heard a word,'Rabbit will bite when anxious'!" Zheng Xian sternly scolded. As soon as this word came out, all the members of the Heavenly Medicine League behind him tightened up like enemies.

Bai Chuwei lightly hooked her hair and smiled faintly: "'A rabbit will bite people in a hurry.' This is easy to do. Can you just kill them before biting?"

Everyone is heartbroken!

Bai Chuwei, are you really poisonous?

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