Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1330: Bai Chuwei is so fascinating, she has nothing to miss!

The relationship between grandson and Bai Chuwei is getting better, and this brute son has to get stiff!

Jin Yongkang patted his mouth quickly, calling "Senior White" in his mouth.

At any rate, it was his own son. Although Bai Chuwei was holding him tightly, the small corner that showed Jin Yongkang knew that he was his son.

The Jin family was completely relieved up and down.

Senior White, amazing.

How long was Xiaobao rescued?

Sure enough, he was the last **** in the East, and Mr. Jin let out a long sigh of relief, feeling that he could go to sleep with peace of mind.

Now that people have returned to Bai Chuwei safely, then Jin Xiaobao can no longer be in any danger!

The news spread from the underground forum to the outside world, and Black Kunlun College's navy, which disregarded the comfort of students, ceased.

It's so amazing, it's really on the Arctic ice sheet.

Bai Chuwei is so fascinating, she has nothing to miss!

The curiosity of the people who eat melons lies in the fact that the world is so big, why live in the ice field?

Hua Guo can't stay, can you live a good life in O State? Look at the master of the demon domain, how good is a Chinese person?


Zheng Xian's eyes were full of resentment, and she clung to her whistle tightly and cursed: "Bai Chuwei, you really deceived people too much. Our Heavenly Medical League was forced to leave China and wanted to enclose a territory in O Continent. What happened? People drove us away from O Zhou!"

The whole crew was eating melons, and immediately heard again dumbfounded: "???"

What the hell?

Teacher Shenxian rushed to exterminate him, but when he went to O Zhou, he was still driven away?

Bai Chuwei raised her eyebrows: "Have I ever done it?"

Bai Chuwei denied it, and Zheng Xian angrily reprimanded: "You haven't done it? Do you dare not recognize it? O State Demon Territory NewWorld chased us like a mad dog! He drove us all the way to the Arctic ice field!

Bai Chuwei: "..."

This has nothing to do with her...

Well, the domain master of the demon is her little fox, which has something to do with her.

Bai Chuwei squeezed her eyebrows lightly. Her little fox was always gentle and gentle, and she did a lot of cruel things behind her back.

Wei Yuxing, oh no name, he can smile and chat with you one second before, and stabb you in the next second.

Since he did it, of course the ancestors can come and clean up the mess.

Bai Chuwei leaned lazily on Xiao Huihui on the side, and stroked its soft hair with her fingers, and said in an understatement: "Shoot to kill? If I really rush to kill, you are not qualified to stand in front of me and yell at me today."


The chill rushing to the face is even more bitter than the cold wind on the Arctic ice sheet.

The meaning of that...

Zheng Xian and Zheng Xiangyang looked at each other, and at the same time saw the shock and astonishment in each other's eyes.

Zheng Xian said incredibly: "You, do you know we are on the Arctic ice sheet?"

It wasn't the clues that Jin Xiaobao was caught and then he came after him?

Bai Chuwei asked with a smile, "Guess."

Guess what a fart, the blood of the next group of people will be spewed out!

Zheng Xian was so scared that her hair stood up, and she kept spitting out white mist in her mouth and muttered: "Impossible...How is this possible? How could you have known that we are in the Arctic ice sheet? You have no heavenly eyes and are not **** , Obviously the cultivators all over the world can't guess that we are here..."

Bai Chuwei touched the little gray hair, glanced at Liu Qi and they looked nervous and rushed back. She chuckled and said in an understatement: "Not only do I know that you live on the Arctic ice sheet, I also know that you sell fake medicines. A base for foreign powers."

Bai Chuwei: "Your Heavenly Medical Union sold counterfeit medicines and was killed by me. Forgot? Huh?"

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