Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1334: Old ancestor: Oh, what you took is fake medicine

As long as it is an earthling with a conscience, who will not be sad to see this picture?

Even recently, I have been looking for ways to practice, but both ordinary people and monks are above the earth.

Protect the environment, protect the ecology, and protect wild animals. This is something everyone should keep in mind.

The results of it? The North Pole has become a disgusting garbage dump. Who else is not heartbroken to see this scene?

This is the home of their earthlings.

Bai Chuwei sighed when hearing the director's crying voice.

The ancestor is luckier than these children. She has lived in this world for more than five thousand years. She has seen the most beautiful appearance of this earth, breathed fresh air without haze, and stepped on the oasis before the yellow sand was buried. Explore the clearest and cleanest deep sea.

And these, now children can't realize it.

Apart from the fact that these children don't love the environment, what does God do in it? In addition to caring about his sons and daughters, thousands of animals and plants in the world are silently disappearing, and the heavens ignore them.

The world believes that the way of heaven is the fairest and merciful, but it is actually a joke!

Someone in the crew couldn't bear it, and asked, "Could it be that these things on the ice sheet are...they made it?"

The expressions of the people in the Heavenly Medical Alliance and the Abnormalist Base changed at the same time. The headed Mina couldn't hold the smile on her face.

Bai Chuwei is noncommittal.

The director was furious, looking at the scene in front of him with extreme grief, and shouting loudly in his mouth: "Film, shoot me! Every frame and every picture must not be missed. I want people all over the world to see. What does the "Last Pure Land" look like now?"

"The base of supernatural powers? I ah! You beasts, forced the Heavenly Medical Alliance to give you medicine in the ice field, and the ice field ecology collapsed. Are you still human? Do you have the lives of billions of people around the world in your eyes? Is it? This is a big problem for people all over the world!"

"I wipe, you dogs!"

The director was already mad, and regardless of the methods of these supernatural beings, he stepped forward and screamed at the leader Mina.

If it weren't for wearing heavy winter clothes, the director would definitely be able to spit on these people.

Not afraid, it doesn't matter.

The fairy teacher is here, he just went up to beat these supernatural beings, and the fairy teacher would definitely be able to protect him.

That's right, the director thinks so.

All the people with Bai Chuwei, even elders over 90, would unconsciously want to rely on Bai Chuwei.

Because Bai Chuwei gave them an infinite sense of security.

The director was so angry that he was spinning around, and he couldn't help chanting: "I want to report, and I will report when I go back! I want the world to know you beasts and let them see your faces."

Everyone in the superpower base was dumbfounded: "..."

They didn't think that they might fight with Bai Chuwei, but they didn't expect this scene to happen.

All the camouflage was torn apart, revealing a real scene above the Arctic ice sheet.

They used the ecology of the ice sheet to change those medicines. Those medicines that can make people quickly become supernaturalists are faster than the practice formulas provided by Bai Chuwei.

Now, all are exposed in front of people around the world.

The lead Mina stared up and down the mad documentary crew. Those photographic shots were constantly shooting. She looked at Bai Chuwei, who met her gaze and showed a smile.

Mina shivered abruptly--

Bai Chuwei is a lunatic! !

With her announcement of the latest situation in the ice field, people all over the world can hate the superpower base!

Although she feels that it is a very correct choice to trade ecology for these medicines, but no one on earth can agree.

Bai Chuwei: "Do you still want medicine? Oh, what you got is fake medicine."

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