Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1345: Old ancestors: Your savior is my pet

This is the first time Tong Qingyan has seen Wuming, a real person who is a lifesaver.

Although she had taken a life before, her whole body was always hurt. In order to please her, Xu Xingchen drew a sketch of the savior.

Now when he saw it, Tong Qingyan knew the demeanor of that life-saving benefactor. For a while, he had lost sight of his life, and even forgot his own situation.

When she heard the words of Wuming, Tong Qingyan suddenly had a heart attack, she didn't remember...

Tong Qingyan tried to smile, but when she saw Wuming felt that she had finally found a savior, she choked up like crying: "Benefactor, Bai Chuwei arrested me illegally."

Seeing the smile on Bai Chuwei's face, Wuming suddenly felt that she was in vain again.

His master knows everything and everything is under control.

Wuming raised his hand and gently rubbed his eyebrows, his gaze shifted from Bai Chuwei to Tong Qingyan, and smiled softly: "The Unnatural Administration has issued a document that you are not allowed to enter the Chinese practice world. You can neglect your cultivation, and she will not If you are qualified to catch you, you can also move around in China at will."

Tong Qingyan: "..."

The Unnatural Administration can only manage the affairs of the Chinese spiritual circles, and is not qualified to expel Chinese citizens.

The best way is to abolish the self-improvement and walk around in China. The Unnatural Administration will not take care of it.

Where is Tong Qingyan willing to abolish her cultivation? The power gained by becoming a blood clan is what she finally asked for.

Tong Qingyan was once again heartbroken by the lifesaver, but she couldn't help but look forward to looking at the nameless eyes.

Can save her life before, should be on her side?

Even if she is not on her side, it does not seem to be on Bai Chuwei's side.

Bai Chuwei saw two chuckles, the vixen was a hooker.

Xu Xingchen's head is a little green now...

Tong Qingyan is also really good. Before, she had a crush on Han Han, and then she was with Xu Xingchen. Later, she had some interest in Hua Ling, her second apprentice.

Hey, he is indeed the heroine of the original text! The emotional line is so rich!

All kinds of beautiful male players take turns to play, the configuration of this article is really strong.

It's time for Bai Chuwei to let out a sigh: "Boy, although you hate me, you still agree with my aesthetics."

Tong Qingyan was dumbfounded, and suddenly had an unknown premonition in her heart: "..."

What do Bai Chuwei's words mean?

Meeting Tong Qingyan's eyes, Bai Chuwei smiled: "Hua Ling is my second apprentice, and this one in front of you is my predecessor pet."

Tong Qingyan: "..."

The smile on Tong Qingyan's face solidified.

That... the former lifesaver, is Bai Chuwei's little pet?

Tong Qingyan's gaze turned towards Wuming. He smiled as before, without any discomfort between his eyebrows, as if he was agreeing with what Bai Chuwei said just now.

Maybe it was because he had been in O State for a long time, a chuckle came up with the wind, the nameless right hand was placed on his left chest, and he bowed to Gentleman Bai Chuwei: "Long time no see, my master."

In an instant, Tong Qingyan's mind began to be confused.

This savior is Bai Chuwei's pet, so she asked him for help just now?

This operation... is absolutely amazing! Called mentally retarded!

Bai Chuwei glanced at it, her tone faint: "I only have one pet now, called Xueqiu."

Although stupid is stupid.

The nameless eyes flashed lightly, stood up straight, smiled and said nothing.

It just so happened that he really didn't want to be a pet anymore.

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