Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1350: Hanhan: Your righteous brother is not a good man with a bad intention

Bai Chuwei is a little embarrassed, the ancestor's instinct is very accurate after so many years!

She didn't know how long she hadn't overturned the car. She didn't expect that this time, she overturned the car in front of a group of her new apprentices, her own companions, ex-pets, and a dear daughter! !

At that moment, she actually suspected that Hanhan was the reincarnation of Brother Gouyi? He even took Hanhan's hand to try that piece of gold...

My head is really dizzy.

She should understand better than everyone else that the God of Creation was dead in vain, so that there was no ashes left!

"Hanhan, are you angry?" Bai Chuwei asked, turning her head to look at Duan Feihan's side face.

Duan Feihan traveled all the way from China to the North Pole to find her. As a result, there was such a thing, it should not be easy to compare his heart to his heart.

Duan Feihan pressed his lips lightly without answering.

Gee-I'm afraid her little buddy is starting to get angry!

The old ancestor is more than five thousand years older than Hanhan, so it should be coaxed to coax his Taoist companion.

Bai Chuwei hugged Duan Feihan's arm tightly and lowered her voice to coax: "Han Han, the fox sacred book that Su Jing sent before, how about the hardest section we study tonight? I heard that the chances of pregnancy increase in that section. Big."

Duan Feihan: "..."

Duan Feihan's face couldn't be stretched anymore, and a smile appeared in his eyes, "Okay."

Bai Chuwei sighed in her heart, did you see it? How sweet are men? The man on the bed is best to coax!

Thinking about it, Bai Chuwei turned her head and glared at an indifferent expression.

If it weren't for this little fox, she wouldn't think too much, making her Taoist companion almost unhappy!

Wuming walked in the ice and snow, slowly slowing down.

When Liu Qi and the others realized that their group seemed to be missing, then looking back, it was hard to find the figure of the demon domain master...

"He still has ideas for you." Duan Fei said coldly.

Bai Chuwei was taken aback for a moment, suspecting that Duan Feihan's "he" was referring to the righteous brother Han Han had been thinking about, or the nameless former pet.

"You should know the story of Fuxi and Nuwa?" Duan Feihan asked.

Bai Chuwei was taken aback, and suddenly understood the meaning of Duan Feihan's words. In the Chinese myths, the ancient Fuxi and Nuwa were brothers and sisters.

And more than 5,000 years ago, Bai Zong accepted her as a righteous sister...

Duan Fei sneered coldly, with a sure tone: "He has bad intentions, don't have any attempts."

Duan Feihan paused: "So, don't think about him."

Bai Chuwei: "..."

It is rare for Hanhan to say so much.

Bai Chuwei wanted to refute something, but when she thought that what she had done just now was not fair to her fellow Taoists, she nodded in agreement with the idea of ​​coaxing her fellow Taoists, "Yes, that brother Gou Yi has a bad intention and is not a good person at all. As a righteous sister, I just wanted to take advantage of me, so I was dead."

Several disciples behind him: "..."

The relationship between the master and the master is good. Looking at the one who sings together, you don't know who you are scolding.

Bai Chuwei raised her hand and rubbed her eyebrows, feeling a little irritable.

The way to destroy the Dao of Heaven actually requires her and the Creation God to agree at the same time, so what else?

The God of Creation is long gone. According to the truth, Tiandao shouldn’t have to worry about being discovered by her. Why is it hidden? It doesn’t matter if the Arctic ice sheet is turned into a garbage dump.

Bai Chuwei's eyes deepened, and a bold idea suddenly popped out of her mind——

Brother Gouyi won't really be reincarnated, right?

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