Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1369: Old ancestor: It's been two hundred years, I have finished filling in the hole

In an interview before, Bai Chuwei said that she should be very busy for receiving the Nobel Prize this year, and everyone hasn't taken it to heart.

At that time, some foreigners ridiculed Bai Chuwei for being too self-confident. She was nominated for the Peace Prize, but she has not already won. She dare to say that she will be busy?

The result...Bai Chuwei not only won the Nobel Peace Prize, but also the Nobel Prize in Medicine, even beyond everyone's expectations. She also won the Nobel Prize in Literature!

Someone kept tapping their cheeks, their heart beating, and their mouths kept saying: "No, it's impossible... Isn't'Mr. Bai' Bai Chuwei's'old ancestor'? Did she come on stage for her own'old ancestor'? Recipient?"

Someone retorted on the spot: "The Nobel Prize is not awarded to the deceased."

So, Bai Chuwei was Mr. Bai two hundred years ago?

She lived for two hundred years?

Then it is completely against the "Nature Survival" documentary. Bai Chuwei has lived for two hundred years. This year, he is 200+ years old, which is really more than 150 years old.

Over two hundred years old, he has experienced the last feudal dynasty, suffered the hardships of wars, and witnessed the rapid rise of China!

This is so much more than Ren Rui.

The emcee looked at Bai Chuwei with an inexplicable expression. How would you feel when you stand with a 200-year-old person so close?

The emcee has never been so gaffe before, and his words were a little trembling: "Please give your acceptance speech."

Acceptance speech?

The ancestors never know how many times they have won awards in their lifetime, so they never prepared award words in advance.

Holding the microphone with her thin white fingers, she groaned, and said with a smile in Chinese: "Two hundred years ago, to avoid the emperor, she went straight to the south of the Yangtze River to escape the world, and serialized "Shanyue Jishi" casually."

The emperor who likes her has not only respected the emperor for more than five thousand years, this dog emperor is also one of them, but she has almost forgotten the appearance of that emperor.

"Thank you for the support of more than one billion book fans that spanned two hundred years." Bai Chuwei said with a faint voice, and said with a chuckle, "I'm done filling the hole."

Presence, silence, silent.

Everyone didn't recover for a while.

Standing on this global stage, facing the global camera, Bai Chuwei admitted that "A Chronicle of the Mountain and Moon" was her work, and she had lived for two hundred years.

Damn, it's a shame that now the whole world knows that there are cultivating immortals in this world, and that there are actually many cultivators in private, and the life span of people who practice cultivation will increase. Otherwise, who would believe that a person can live more than two hundred years old? !

This is too exaggerated!

Many powerful monks in the underground world have lived to be one hundred and forty and fifty years old. As the world's number one practitioner, Bai Chuwei is also number one on the list. It seems reasonable to be 200 years old, right?

It's terrible, someone in this world can live two hundred years old.

Someone at the scene finally reacted from the shock, and then asked: "Then, this, then this is not the XX writer in the Sakura country who ran with him again?"

Ah, it's miserable.

The Chinese people gradually came to their senses from the shock. Some netizens rushed to Weibo when they were crazy.

Hot search on Weibo is even more explosive!

However, their destination was not Bai Chuwei's Weibo, but - Duan Feihan's!

Countless people cried and left messages under Duan Feihan's Weibo:

"Sorry Mr. Duan, I shouldn't have scolded you for eating tender grass. It turns out that you are the tender grass. We were wrong!"

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