Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1374: Old ancestor: There are still people who question whether I am not Mr. Bai's?

The organizing committee immediately contacted the National Museum of China and collected the unearthed water-cloud embroidered long skirts for comparison.

Come on, the embroidery method is the same, and Bai Chuwei looks elegant, but the workmanship is more complicated.

The curator of the National Museum bluntly said: "The first-class embroidery and textile experts from all over the country can't make this one by Ms. Bai Chuwei."

This is the face of the world and represents the reputation of China. It is impossible for the museum director to lie for Bai Chuwei. This shows that it is true!

The audience was silent.

This, isn't this special evidence coming?

Only Bai Chuwei can figure out this lost embroidery work that prevailed more than two hundred years ago. Doesn't this prove that Bai Chuwei has lived for two hundred years?

Stop struggling to die, it's already a real hammer, Bai Chuwei has lived for two hundred years, that's Mr. Bai!

Bai Chuwei glanced at the foreign journalists below, and gently touched the microphone in front of him with her finger, and said lightly, "Is it true that this water and cloud embroidery can only prove that I have lived for two hundred years, but it cannot prove that I am Mr. Bai? "

The hearts of the Chinese reporters at the scene dropped dramatically, and they almost wanted to step forward and cover Bai Chuwei's mouth.

Teacher Shenxian, don't be so honest!

Now that the audience has shut up, is it not good for you to receive the third Nobel Prize honestly? Why do you still say this?

If foreign reporters really ask this question, how can this end?

No one lived two hundred years ago, and no one can be your witness. This will be a dead end!

Stop talking, stop talking!

Bai Chuwei snorted, condescendingly, her eyes swept across all of them with cold eyes: "Naturally I want you to be convinced!"

Bai Chuwei downplayed and threw a sentence: "No matter how much you explain, it's better to see it with your own eyes."

The hearts of all the people watching the live broadcast suddenly jumped, giving birth to a terrible conjecture!

Bai Chuwei is a big cultivator, does she want...

At the next moment, Bai Chuwei had already raised her white long sleeves and flicked in the air.

Everyone present took a sigh of relief, and there was a scene that had never been seen before--

In the early summer, the south of the Yangtze River is picturesque, with small bridges and flowing water, and crowds are like weaving.

Ordinary people walked around the market together, and it was full of excitement.

Outside the downtown, deep in the bamboo forest, the bamboo house is quiet, a snow-white fox gently swaying its leisurely tail, lying on the promenade of the bamboo house, a pair of foxes staring at the white figure in the courtyard, as if Laughing.

The white figure was sitting in front of the stone table in the courtyard. The table was covered with pen, ink, paper, inkstone, and on the left was a purple clay teapot and a cup of herbal tea.

The little fox stretched out lazily, jumped down from the promenade of the bamboo house, came to the stone table, put his head on the embroidered shoes of the girl in white, and fell asleep quietly.

The white-clothed girl was agile and thoughtful for a while, picked up the pen and ink and wrote on the fine rice paper, a series of beautiful spiritual white writing.

Ethereal and silent.

The Huaguo reporter present exclaimed: "That girl is Bai Chuwei!"

"My god, it was written... it was the first episode of "Shan Yue Ji"! I went and saw it with my own eyes!"

Everyone watching the live broadcast: "???"

Damn it?

What did the people at the scene watch? Why is it all an expression of seeing a ghost? They want to see it too! !

Bai Chuwei appreciated the shocked expressions of everyone with satisfaction, and she curled her lips and smiled slightly: "Excuse me, now, is there anyone who questioned that I am not Mr. Bai?"

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