Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1385: Old ancestor: I'll just say it once, get out

The stone fell, and the lake suddenly became turbulent, and there was still no abnormality, Su Qiqiu immediately panicked.

Su Qiuqiu turned his head, the fox's ears were drooping because of his grievance, and he rushed to Bai Chuwei anxiously: "There was really a king of the Wuji Country before here. I didn't lie to you, I don't lie to good-looking people."

The meaning is that she fooled to look ugly.

Xueqiu scolded Su Qiuqiu as a face dog. He raised his head and looked at Bai Chuwei, and guessed: "Old ancestor, did the gods send the stinky fox to steal the golden board? The gods already knew that you would come, so he noticed. Ran away early?"

Xueqiu's guess was very logical. Knowing that Bai Chuwei was thinking about it, how could he not run away quickly?

Bai Chuwei chuckled softly when she heard the words, looked down at Su Qiuqiu who was still squatting by the lake, persevering in letting the king of the Wuji Kingdom come out.

Bai Chuwei walked towards the lake, looking coldly at the surface of the lake. The surface of the lake was so clear that she could reflect her shadow. She said indifferently, "I'll just say it once, get out."

Bai Chuwei's tone was extremely calm, as if discussing what the weather was like today, without any waves.

There was silence all around, and suddenly there was a cool breeze blowing from a distance.

The wind blew waves above the lake, and a phantom gradually emerged under the waves...

Su Qiuqiu and Xueqiu stood by the lake, their eyes rounded in shock, and they said in unison: "Fuck!"

Is there really someone at the bottom of this lake?

Seeing Su Qiuqiu howling desperately there just now, smashing stones crazily into it, is there any movement at the bottom of the lake? No!

The whole process pretended to be dead, almost making Snowball think that people had run away early.

And Bai Chuwei?

Just a simple sentence, without even moving his hands, the surface of the lake was strange!

Xueqiu looked at it for a while, and couldn't help saying: "This way of heaven, it's so persuasive."

"It turns out that God is also afraid of ruthless people."

Su Qiuqiu: "God? Isn't he the king of Wuji Country?"

The phantom gradually revealed the real scene. The man was very handsome, with a high nose and deep eyes. From the looks of his face, he was a very obvious mixed race of East and West. The man was rippling with the waves of the lake, and he was a little bit unreal.

Snowball was so shocked that Mao was about to explode, "This is the way of heaven?"

Bai Chuwei bends her lips and smiles meaningfully: "Heaven, the most fair existence in the entire world, of course, is the only thing that has the genes of both the East and the West."

Xueqiu cursed on the spot: "Fairness? This thief is just a shit!"

The man's shadow rippled along with the ripples of the lake, and he couldn't hide, and it was embarrassing if he didn't hide.

Xueqiu suddenly realized: "No wonder Tiandao is so rubbish, it turns out to be kept here all the time! Can't get out?"

Suddenly Xueqiu understood a little bit. No wonder that Tiandao only thunders every time he gets angry. It turns out that he only has the ability to thunder.

Bai Chuwei glanced back at Wuming, with a smile on her face.

Interesting, after escaping from her for decades, she quickly became the master of the Demon Territory, and she decisively ordered the Gatling Forest State to be a forbidden area of ​​the Demon Territory, and no one was allowed to approach here.

If it wasn't for the Yan dog like Su Qiuqiu, maybe he still didn't know that Heaven was here.

The ancestors didn't know, but the nameless knew.

It's really interesting.

The ancestor has lived for more than five thousand years, and there are very few things that make her feel interesting.

The nameless eyes came into contact with Bai Chuwei's long gaze, and she lowered her eyes and smiled lightly.

His master has always been the smartest person in the world.

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