Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1391: Sure enough, he's doing what little petite would do

Bai Chuwei was startled. She always felt that Duan Feihan was a cold and serious person except for the bed. When did he actually make cold jokes?

Her brother Gouyi reincarnated as a woman?

Rao is the old ancestor who was surprised by Duan Feihan's words. Could it be that... her dog-yielding brother really reincarnated as a woman?

Suddenly, Bai Chuwei's mood became a bit subtle and complicated.

This is to be truly reincarnated as a woman. They were righteous brothers and sisters five thousand years ago, but they will become sisters more than five thousand years later. Thinking about it makes her feel unacceptable.

Bai Chuwei's white fingers moved away from the keyboard and landed on Duan Feihan. He thought for a while and said: "Hanhan makes sense. If he is reincarnated as a woman, he won't have to use Bai Yueguang and cinnabar mole every day after Hanhan. ."

Duan Feihan: "..."

They were Taoists, and she knew better than anyone what he was thinking. Every day is either a white moonlight or a cinnabar mole.

He understood what she was thinking, so even if there was a so-called "brother dog righteous" between them, they couldn't quarrel.

Xueqiu roared from the side: "Old ancestors, ancestors, maybe the creation **** has not become a woman, or it may have changed a shape? For example... hamster!"

Snowball held up his round and slightly crimson face, squeezed it, and said with a rather embarrassed milk: "Maybe, maybe I'm the reincarnation of Master Chuangshi Shen? Otherwise, how can I be with you? Old ancestors are so destined? I first met more than 20 years ago."

Bai Chuwei: "..." This fellow Xueqiu is even more shameless.

The one million who was dozing off in the distance immediately opened a pair of scarlet eyes: "Hiss——"

Snowball was furious in an instant, and stepped on the head of the one million snake, and cursed on the spot: "Stupid snake? Do you dare to call me whimsical?! Looking for death!"

After a while, the snake and rat went to war again in the bedroom.

Duan Xueqin, who was studying tonics downstairs, couldn't help but look towards the bedroom on the second floor, and couldn't help but sigh, "Is really a cultivator, this kind of thing is so intense?"

Bai Chuwei shook her head as she saw it, and couldn't understand that Yi million and Xueqiu were obviously their pets, but when they met, they either quarreled or fought.

But one thing is true. The God of Creation has reincarnated, and he is no longer what he looked like five thousand years ago.

He is now a man or a woman, whether he is an old man or a child, or what kind of animal, or flowers and plants.

Her divine power has not found a trace in this world, and now it is no less than finding a needle in a haystack.

The only thing she can be sure of is--

If Brother Gouyi really reincarnated, he would definitely enter the world of spiritual practice.

This is like instinct, he can't just be an ordinary person, but he will die.

Bai Chuwei thought about this, and his eyes fell back to the computer screen in front of him.

The underground forum was successfully invaded by her.

Bai Chuwei leaned on the back of the chair leisurely, smiled and took the water glass Duan Feihan handed over, bowed her head and took a sip.

Duan Feihan was silent for a moment. Sure enough, he was doing what little petite would do again.

Suddenly, a voice invitation reminder sounded on the computer screen, and the sound was slightly harsh.

Bai Chuwei looked up, and suddenly a brand new page popped up on the homepage of the underground forum backstage, and the host sent a voice invitation.

Bai Chuwei bends her lips, her white and slender hand presses the enter key with a shocking--

"Altar Master, hello."

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