Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1395: Just made a mistake that all women in the world make

The men, women and children present all looked at Bai Chuwei with an extremely diligent look. Everyone wanted to know if there was that lucky one among them!

The reporter, who had been waiting for a long time, appropriately turned the live broadcast towards Bai Chuwei.

Why do you welcome the winners of China with the most Nobel Prizes to return to China? These are all imaginary!

The news of the Nobel Prize now seems outdated.

Where is Bai Chuwei's gossip in this news attractive?

Who doesn't want to know our ancestor Bai, who do you want to be the second room? !

This is a reference standard, a constructive goal that all Chinese men can strive for.

So, now the whole people are watching online, how is Duan always green?

In the past, if a female celebrity cheated on her husband, it would definitely be pointed out by a thousand men! But today...

I have to say, hehe, instead of feeling angry, they are a little excited!

Those pairs of expectant eyes, those longing eyes, and the countless bullet screens from the national online, spring up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

Bai Chuwei was silent.

Bai Chuwei was unwilling to answer. The reporter turned his gaze to Duan Feihan, who was aside, with an earnest look: "President Duan, do you have anything to say?"

As soon as the reporter said this, everyone online and offline shouted, this reporter is poisonous!

The human segment is always known to the world by the green, and I also asked how people feel? Why don't you try what it's like to be so green? !

Duan Feihan was expressionless: "We have a very good relationship."

After all, Duan Feihan pulled Bai Chuwei's little hand and disappeared at the airport, causing everyone present to exclaim.

Sure enough, he is a cultivator, this is really like wind.

"President Duan is just being hard-headed, what kind of relationship is good? Bai Chuwei recruited the second room online, okay? Who is it to lie?

A man patted a friend on the side, "I also need to understand Duan Zong, why do you have to hold on in front of you."

A group of men of all ages, some gloating, some want to laugh.

Ah, Duan can be considered green, they have been waiting for this day for a long time.

There is also a handsome young boy in his early 17s and 18s, his face is taken for granted: "Old Pai, he just made a mistake that any woman in the world would make. What's the big deal? No, right?"

When the women at the airport heard this, they nodded and shouted in unison: "Yes!"

The reporters couldn't help but shed tears of sympathy for Duan Feihan. Duan was also the head of the Chinese Duan family, the nobleman among the nobles, and the richest among the rich.

No one is on his side? ?

The people of the world today are absolutely amazing!


Because she won three Nobel Prizes in a row, and there are still commendations for her in China, and she is still a student of the Imperial University, so this trip went back to the Imperial University.

On the way back to the Emperor's University, Bai Chuwei decisively contacted the altar master of the underground forum. As soon as he contacted, she asked with a face-to-face: "His altar master, what did you do for me? The world thinks I am green with my Taoist companion!!"

The ancestors did not understand that an altar owner who could manage an underground forum for decades without making a mistake, helped her find someone to become an online lover? ?

And there is no limit to men and women!

You can't fight this shit!

There was a slightly embarrassing cough from the other side, "Bai... Fellow Daoist Bai, I'm sorry for this."

Duan Feihan: "Oh, the person you should be sorry for is me."

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