Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1408: Gift to the emperor's idol! Snake eggs for more than five thousand years!

The old professors of archaeology are excited. Their majors are among the many popular majors of Imperial University, and they are simply marginal majors.

Before that, Bai Chuwei got a lot of fire, but that was the case.

Their archaeological major is top-notch in the country!

Just now I was standing aside and listening to the old geology old lady chatting, now it's their turn.

A group of old archaeological professors rushed up and surrounded the shelled snake eggs, still holding tools in their hands.

The professor was very excited: "If this snake egg really belongs to this **** snake, then check the carbon 14 and check the year of the snake egg, you can be sure."

The archaeology professors wondered how to get a piece from the eggshell and sent it for inspection.

At this moment, a clean and flawless hand gently stroked the extremely fragile eggshell, and said quietly, "You don't need to send it for inspection."

The archaeology professors were all taken aback, subconsciously wanting to refute.

This is not checked, the ghost knows how many years the eggshell has been buried in the soil?

Bai Chuwei's delicate fingertips stroked the eggshell, her fingertips seemed to have a stream of light passing by, the expression in her eyes was slightly complicated, and after a long period of silence, she calmly said: "This snake egg has been around for more than five thousand four hundred years."

Everyone: "???"

Wait a moment, teacher Shenxian, please wait a moment.

Let's not come so steep first, why more than five thousand years? Isn't this five thousand years in China? This is too exaggerated.

If Bai Chuwei talked about two to three hundred years, they would still be able to accept it as a student. This... these five thousand and four hundred years, it is really too scary!

"Students Bai and Bai, I know that your archaeology scores are very good, and you are a monk who has lived for more than two hundred years, but this really requires professional equipment for testing." The archaeological professor said in a tactful tone.

Just ask if you hear it suddenly, can you not be frightened?

Bai Chuwei is now recognized globally as the longest life span, having lived for more than two hundred years.

Now a big snake jumps out, saying that it is a living snake egg that has survived for more than five thousand years. Do you think this is not an exaggeration?

Bai Chuwei retracted her hand, calmly and silently.

According to normal logic, one million snake eggs have been buried in this soil for thousands of years, and the time for them to actually break their shells is only 20 years or so.

Lifespan is calculated from the day it was born, so one million is really just a baby snake.


Bai Chuwei's eyes were slightly complicated.

Snakes can lay at least eight to nine eggs, with more than a dozen eggs.

Her brother Gouyi's big snake hadn't had the time to lay the egg, so she could only use the last force to induce the egg to spawn.

She once thought it was all gone, except for her, there are no old things in the age of the gods. Unexpectedly, there is a snake egg.

But the owner of a million choices is...

The idea that had been pinched by her once again came to mind!

Just as Bai Chuwei's thoughts were floating, an archaeological expert excitedly said: "Everyone takes this scattered small piece of eggshell and sends it to the laboratory for inspection with professional instruments to see how old it is."

It may be hundreds of years.

As for Bai Chuwei's five thousand years? Hahaha, just be a joke made by the fairy teacher.

Bai Chuwei glanced at one million, then took out a spatial spirit weapon and installed the snake egg it used to live in.

The principal was so angry that his heart almost stopped, and he pointed at the **** snake with trembling fingers: "Just because of the snake egg, it ruined the statue of Ms. Bai in our school?"

Snake soup!

I really want to stew snake soup!

A million "hiss" screamed, kind of innocent.

Its owner always has money and can help it lose money.

The principal was extremely angry: "This is not a matter of money or not, this is a statue of Ms. Bai!"

Ms. Bai herself, Bai Chuwei, was here, and he actually messed up.

The principal is in a bad mood now.

Bai Chuwei suddenly smiled, "Isn't it just a statue? Principal, how about I give you a statue of God?"

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