Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1414: Global Reiki Rejuvenation, Duan Feihan was born

A few stunned faces.

The experts were all stupid, and the pen in their hands fell to the ground with a bang.

"Bai...Ms. Bai, you are quite humorous." One of the youngest experts smiled and rounded off.

Bai Chuwei looked at the slightly horrified expressions of these children, and suddenly became a little interested, "Don't you ever think about who wrote the "Shan Hai Jing"? Who is the original author?"

Experts: "..."

Thought about it!

This is a very controversial topic in the archaeological world. Who wrote the "Shan Hai Jing"?

The broad answer is: "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" was created by the ancestors of China, who relied on rich imagination.

And it was not created by an ancestor, but passed down by countless ancestors.

Even if there is controversy, there is no doubt that they have never thought that "Shan Hai Jing" is true!

Now telling them that the strange beasts and beasts recorded in the "Shan Hai Jing" are documentary literature? ? ?

Their worldview is about to collapse, okay?

Bai Chuwei's words, are you serious?

A group of experts and old professors looked at Bai Chuwei with straight eyes. Bai Chuwei's expression was very serious, except for true or true.

Bai Chuwei smiled without saying a word.

It is said that China is five thousand years old, but it is a pity that foreign countries do not agree with the first three thousand years.

Only her ancestor in this world knows that before the Chinese dynasty that everyone is familiar with, there still existed an era when the gods came together.

Heaven and earth, man, and **** coexist.

Humans have also been able to communicate with God.

It's just these, the children nowadays won't believe it, and won't be able to accept it for a while.

However, the future will be long.

The professors and experts suddenly couldn't sit still. If "Shan Hai Jing" is documentary literature, then the history of China will shock the world!

A group of experts tried their best to digest it.

The old lady groaned, staring at one million, and then carefully asked: "Dare to ask when you were born?"

One million: ‘hiss--’

Everyone is still at a loss.

Xueqiu leaned his head and translated with his arms akimbo, "This stupid snake said that it lived in snake eggs without any consciousness, but suddenly woke up twenty-six or seven years ago, then broke out of its shell, and then got some repairs. I wandered around the Emperor Hou Mountain."

Twenty-six or seven years ago...

It was more than 20 years ago!

More than twenty years ago, global aura began to gradually recover.

And somebody was born twenty-six years ago!

Bai Chuwei's eyes immediately shifted to Duan Feihan, and Duan Feihan said blankly: "Don't think too much, I am not."

A group of archaeologists who listened attentively to the translation and took notes with pens were shocked: "???"

What did Mr. Duan just say? What is he not?

No, this is not something they should care about.

An expert let out a long sigh of relief, patted his chest and said: "This big snake has not been conscious for more than five thousand years. The real consciousness is after the shell is broken, that is to say, the truth is. He is only more than 20 years old."

Large pythons at home and abroad can also live to more than 20 years old.

So what is the snake ancestor who has lived for more than five thousand years? It's just a false alarm!

However, it is already a huge miracle that a snake egg that was more than 5,000 years ago can be stored today?

Several professors and experts looked at me and I looked at you and pushed each other.

Lao Liu was pushed out and asked Bai Chuwei very embarrassedly: "Ms. Bai, I don't know if that snake egg...snake egg...can..."

They are educated, thin-skinned, and are embarrassed to ask.

Bai Chuwei smiled and asked, "You want to ask me, can I give you the snake egg shell? Right?"

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