Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1431: I want to see the ancestor Bai fight with the little petite goddess!

Duan Feihan silently listened to Bai Chuwei's name blurted out, was silent for a while, and said, "Can you not be called'Brother Dog Righteous'?"

How did he become a dog?

Bai Chuwei was taken aback when she heard the words, and she had to say: "Isn't this a habit of scolding with you before?"

The ancestors were a bit wronged. She used to call Bai Zong, her only family and righteous brother, whom she identified as a dog, in order to take care of her Taoist companion.

Duan Feihan: "...Okay."

Dig the pit by yourself, jump by yourself.

It's correct, nothing wrong.

The snowball on the side screamed, "Old ancestor, Duan, you guys will wake up soon, shouldn't the focus be on the update and revision of the top list?!!!"

Bai Chuwei gave a surprised glance, is this important?

Xueqiu is extremely excited, and the Tianban has been revised and updated. The underground forum has never been like this for more than a decade since its establishment!

It is unprecedented!

Their ancestors really have noodles! In one sentence, the host of the underground forum changed the rules and updated the top list.

Xueqiu gave birth to a feeling of honor, which directly made him temporarily forget about his one million global debut, and he excitedly held his laptop and logged into the underground forum.

Sure enough, one minute ago, the host of the forum posted a message to the top to notify all friends of the forum that the list is about to be revised and updated!

As soon as this news came out, it shocked the entire forum, or in other words, shocked the world of spiritual practice!

This is also suddenly modified?

Tian Bang can be described as a benchmark in spiritual practice.

"This matter won't have anything to do with Bai Chuwei, right?" A monk gloated and posted anonymously, "If this is a top monk suddenly came out, it would be fine to step on Bai Chuwei's feet."

I have to say, looking up at Bai Chuwei for too long, I really want to see Bai Chuwei falling into the altar.

A monk posted a speculation: "Today the world is talking about the snake. That snake seems to be the pet of the young master of the dark night? I suspect it has something to do with this matter."

"That snake seems to be the only sacred animal in the "Shan Hai Jing" that has ancient blood in the world. Duan Feihan may be able to step on Bai Chuwei to the second place in the sky stick!"

The underground forum immediately opened up because of the forum host’s post.

Bai Chuwei has lived for more than two hundred years, indeed, but her Taoist companion Duan Feihan is a favorite! This is rolling! It's impossible to say that Bai Chuwei was suppressed because of a pet.

You know that Bai Chuwei's pet seems to be a hamster. I heard that she is very stupid.

"Haha, I really want to see them fighting with the immortals! If Duan always tramples on Bai Chuwei, I wonder if he will go home and kneel on the durian?"

A young monk couldn't help but look forward to it: "If they quarrel, will Pai Pai accept the second room? I am willing to intervene!"

Zhao Tianfang of the Unnatural Management Bureau saw a cold snort. Can Senior White fall in the rankings because of the snake?

How could the only **** in the East, the only remaining **** in the world, fall?

Zhao Tianfang was not worried at all, but just asked his subordinates to pay attention to the results of the correction of the Tianban.

It is estimated that tonight will be very lively.

Snowball watched the monks all over the world post, vomiting blood with anger.

He is a pet of his ancestors, but he is a waste of wood!

You are just waste wood, your whole family is waste wood!

Xueqiu couldn't help wondering if these posts were made by the dead fox who found the water army, because the dead fox was jealous that he was the favorite Xuebao of the ancestors.

Adhering to the nasty thoughts of his exasperated predecessor, Xueqiu immediately contacted Wuming, gloating in his tone:

"Hehe, you're done, you're going to fall from second to third in the top ranking hahaha."

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