Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1435: The top three in the world of spiritual practice are all in their country!

Chapter 1435 The top three in the world of spiritual practice are all in their country of China!

What is the standard of the **** list for underground forums? This is the most talked-about thing in the entire spiritual world.

This "God List" sounds more than one grade higher than the "Tian List". It used to be said to be on the same list as Bai Chuwei, but now the gap is so big that he has given up chasing Bai Chuwei's footsteps.

Not on one level!

Some monks guessed that they posted: "God's list, God's list, is the standard for ranking as the name, and it must be a **** to be qualified?"

As soon as this post came out, it caused quite a stir.

Yeah, what's the bad name of this list, it must be called the **** list? It's never related to gods, right?

I quickly thought of the "last **** of the East" in the previous rumors, and more and more monks were discussing it.

What's more, it is directly speculated that Bai Chuwei is not the last **** in the East?

The more I think about it, the more I think this is possible!

The last **** in the east.

Bai Chuwei is from the East, and she had also been to Mount Everest to attend the meeting of the Upper Shrine!

This statement was quickly refuted by some monks: "Funny! Bai Chuwei is a god? What **** only lived for more than two hundred years?"

"It is estimated that the host of the underground forum just named the "Shenbang". There is no other meaning. Don't over-interpret it, okay? If Bai Chuwei is really that god, the whole world knows that her character is not troublesome? Wake up Right!"


In this regard, the more than a dozen patriarchs of the ancient tribes in the East and the West who are most likely to know the result in the world have been silent and did not come forward to make any response.

They had participated in the meeting of the Upper Shrine at the beginning, and the picture of Bai Chuwei sitting on the rose seat is still vivid. Who would dare to die? Even if they want to tell everyone--

Yes, Bai Chuwei is the last **** in the East!

This cannot be said.

At least these words are not their turn, it is better for these ancient tribes to be quiet as chickens.

These monks can misunderstand whatever they like. It has nothing to do with them. Anyway, the White God will not be looking for them to find trouble in the future.

Zhao Tianfang, who had been paying attention to this matter, was secretly relieved when he learned that although Bai Chuwei had been on the top of the sky, but was on the top of the gods alone, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Senior White should have this rank, a separate list!

Seeing the group of foreign monks arguing in the underground forum, Zhao Tian let out a cold snort, "Senior White is really a god, how?! Not pleasing to the eye?"

Xiao Yi smiled helplessly: "Senior Zhao, now in the world, except for our own people in China, who is pleasing to the eyes of Senior?"

Zhao Tianfang looked at the **** list and the sky list, and suddenly opened his eyes and smiled, "Yes, hehe, he likes the way they look unpleasant and helpless!"

You must know that China has always been at a disadvantage in the spiritual world, and there are much fewer monks in China than in foreign countries, but now it is different.

Bai Chuwei is a Chinese native.

The top section of the list is not cold, and is a Chinese.

Even the second demon domain master in the sky list, I heard that although he settled in O Continent, he was properly a Chinese!

It is equivalent to the top three in the world of spiritual practice, all in their country!

Just ask you, are you angry?

The more angry you are, the happier the Unnatural Administration.

Xiao Yibrows, who had always been cold, couldn’t help but smile. Suddenly he remembered something, as if he had been in a commonplace with Zhao Tian and said, “Senior Zhao, have you heard that? Transferred back to study the universe and galaxies."

Zhao Tianfang was very proud of what he said: "Well, they want to study archaeological history. How many histories can they study?"

?? To remind, the next chapter has too many words, book coins 7



(End of this chapter)

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