Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1439: The right to speak in the global spiritual world rests with China

Chapter 1439 the right to speak in the global practice world rests with China

Snowball: "???"

Xueqiu was directly silly, looking at Bai Chuwei with a very confused look.

Is the brain capacity of hamsters relatively small? Why can't he understand what the ancestors are talking about now?

How beautiful and rusty the old ancestors used to be? The ancestors would never agree to such a rude request to mine spirit mines!

The monks who wanted to mine the spirit mines near the dragon veins last time are still living a terrible life, so how come they agree?


Let him build a brand new platform for practice? This is going to fight the underground forum frontally, to grab food with that altar master? Isn't this just making friends with the altar master?

Xueqiu felt that Bai Chuwei's operation was very fascinating.


"Old ancestor, are you really kidding? Just give me five days to build a brand new platform for practice? I heard that it took many months to build underground forums!"

Bai Chuwei: "Four days?"

Snowball screamed, holding a fleshy face, "My ancestor, I can't do it! Time is too fast."

Bai Chuwei: "Three days?"

Snowball stopped screaming and was completely honest: "Okay, just five days."

Xueqiu was in grief and anger. Stupid Snake made his global debut as a star, but he could only work on an innovation platform. He was obviously a pet of the gods. Why was he so miserable?

Thinking of the huge project, the snowball was sitting in front of the computer and tears would flow down. How could it be done?

Xueqiu was anxious, and suddenly heard a beep. Bai Chuwei sent an oversized file package from WeChat. Xueqiu's eyes lit up in an instant, and he was so moved.

He knew that the ancestors would not squeeze him so much! With the ancestors, there is no problem in building a brand new platform within five days.


Snowball’s chubby little hands were skillfully tapping the keyboard, and couldn’t help but murmured: “It’s good for Master Chuangshishen to reincarnate as Duan Zong, but is it possible that Duan Zong can come true? Take the time to send me a system file package?"

Duan Feihan: "..."

I really want to throw this mouse to feed the snake as a supper!

Duan Feihan's dark and boundless eyes stared at the graceful and slender figure in the window, "Weiwei."

Bai Chuwei held the Thousand Miles Sound Transmission Talisman in her hand and didn't look back.

"Senior White, you are shocked by the update and correction of the list tonight. It's okay." The voice of Zhao Tianfang from the Unnatural Administration Bureau is obviously on the other end.

Bai Chuwei chuckled: "Frightened? I'm not surprised."

Zhao Tianfang wiped his sweat, "You are right, we are all frightened up and down."

Bai Chuwei is a god, and she is not worried at all, but they are frightened.

"How does it feel to be swayed by others?"

Zhao Tianfang was questioned for a moment, and suddenly felt that there was something wrong with Bai Chuwei's words.

Bai Chuwei's words are concise and concise: "The Unnatural Administration has arranged personnel who understand hacking techniques to prepare to receive the practice platform."

After verifying what he thought, Zhao Tian let down and took a sigh of relief. A pair of tiger eyes stared openly, and he said in shock: "Could it be that Senior Bai, you and the host of the underground forum have already discussed it? He allows you to join the group?!"

This... this is incredible!

We must know that underground forums quietly control the right to speak in the global spiritual world. Countless national capitals want to enter, and it is best to use them for their own use.

But nothing.

The underground forums have been organized for more than ten years. They are all run by the forum hosts. There is not even a single advertisement in the forum.

It's because they want to enter the unnatural management bureau, there is no way, they can only watch it with eyesight.

But what Senior Bai Chuwei's remarks meant to join?

Can the altar master promise to let go?

Zhao Tianfang was so excited that he spoke incoherently: "Senior White is really amazing!"

Bai Chuwei smiled deeply and looked at the moonlight outside the window faintly: "From then on, the right to speak in the global spiritual world rests with China."

(End of this chapter)

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