Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1449: All log out! A scene of the century that shocked the world!

Chapter 1449 All Write Off! A scene of the century that shocked the world!

Duan Feihan doesn't need to think about it, he must behave like his Taoist companion Bai Chuwei, out of one nostril.

But the domain master of the demon is different, and his position in the global practice world is even more detached.

This domain master has the means to stop children crying at night.

The nameless being the master of the Demon Realm for decades has made Demon Realm a frightening existence in the practice world.

Sometimes his attitude affects a large number of people in the spiritual world.

The domain owner was so fast that everyone hadn't reacted yet, and in full view, he anonymously logged out the account of the underground forum, although he didn't use this account very often.

Everyone took a deep breath: "!!!"

Really logged out...

Underground forums are not ordinary forums from the outside world. In order to prevent ordinary people from entering by mistake, registration is very strict, and a lot of information has been collected to ensure that they are practitioners.

Therefore, according to the regulations, once cancelled, registration is no longer allowed within ten years.

So for so many years, no monk really tried to use the logout function, which was forgotten by many people.

Not only decisively canceled the account of the underground forum, but also registered the account of the Kyushu Forum for the first time.

"The speed of the master of the demon domain can almost catch up with Bai Chuwei's second room." A monk joked and muttered privately.

Now, it's a bit difficult to handle.

Bai Chuwei, the only person on the **** list, left the underground forum, and Duan Feihan and the domain master of the demon domain, who were number one or two on the sky list, also left.

The top three monks in the spiritual world have completely left, and it is difficult to obtain some information.

The beautiful General Harris, with his eyes wide open, looked at the laptop incredulously, and was irritated with his white beard trembling frantically. He kept mumbling to relieve himself: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if they leave, the global monks are talented It's the foundation."

Then, everyone in General Harris's office was stunned, looking at the laptop dumbfounded.

The official account of the Unnatural Administration released the last message, claiming to go to the Kyushu Forum, and then cancelled the account.

Kunlun College followed closely behind!

The only official account of Kunlun College, log out!

The personal account of Zhao Tianfang, a conspicuous practitioner in the Chinese practice world, log out!

The old account of the Jin family, the ancient survivor of China, cancel it!

Log out!

All log out!

Collectively follow the trend of the domain master and cancel the underground forum account!

A group of monks from the China Non-Nature Administration took the initiative to cancel their private accounts, and then thousands of reserve monks and students from Kunlun College canceled collectively.

The World Trumpet in the underground forum popped up a logout message frantically.

This forum function, which has not been used for a long time, almost crashed directly at this time.

This scene can be called a scene of the century, the scene is extremely magnificent, unprecedented!

Until many years later, there were still elderly people excitedly recalling today's scene with their grandchildren. This was their first battle with the gods!

The Huaguo monks all ran away with Bai Chuwei...

Follow the direction of the Unnatural Administration, surely right.

In other words, following Bai Chuwei's 400-year-old ancestor, it's not wrong.

In just half an hour, the number of monks in the underground forum was reduced by tens of thousands!

Logging off this method doesn't leave any retreat for yourself at all.

The old general Harris stared at the screen blankly for a long time, and finally couldn't help but said, "Is it possible for the Chinese to do this?"

The Chinese people seem to be like this. Whether they are ordinary people or monks, they always put collective honor first. It seems that there is a belief that is more important than their own interests and lives!

The old general Harris murmured to himself: "But it doesn't matter, the Chinese monks will leave as soon as they leave. It's like the outside China has built a network wall for its citizens."

They don't use Facebook, but these apps are still very high in foreign countries, aren't they?

Without the Chinese, the world can still move.

The fact that the Chinese monks are willing to follow Bai Chuwei does not mean that the rest of the foreign monks in the world are also willing.

There are many foreign monks who have opinions on Bai Chuwei.

For this, Harris veteran general is quite confident.

This time, the underground forum will only be injured, but it will definitely not paralyze and die.

Huaguo said: "Hundred-legged insects die but are not stiff", and they are talking about underground forums!

Bai Chuwei smiled deeply at the mansion of Sky City, the imperial capital of China, "Really?"

The ancestor's slender fingers patted the head of the snowball lightly, in a lazy tone: "Well, give these kids a big surprise."


Just wait for the foreign monks to enter the Kyushu Forum collectively!

Old ancestors have this confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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