Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1452: Where is the history of history, it is clearly a stinking legacy!

Chapter 1452 Where is the history left behind, it is obviously a stinking legacy!

When the monk teacher heard this, he couldn't help but sneered: "Just because of you group of cheating students? You deserve to worry about Vice President Bai?"

"By the way! Do you know what is meant by the incident?"

Several cheating students blushed on their faces and became embarrassed.

That's true...According to Bai Chuwei's current compulsion, he really wouldn't do such things for some of their cheating students. Jin Xiaobao's kind of first-class students in the whole year won't receive this treatment, they can only incidentally.

Then, Bruce was originally white, his face was so white that there was no blood, and his lips kept trembling: "So... now everyone knows our name?"

The monk teacher said in a cool tone: "Not only the name, but also your photos and other information."

In the forums of the underground world, let's not pay attention to any portrait rights, they don't exist.

The world of spiritual practice usually pays attention to strength. Anyone who is weak in strength deserves to be killed, and there are no portrait rights and reputation rights that are popular in the outside world.

Bai Chuwei released the first post of the Kyushu Forum for testing, and announced in detail how these high-achieving students cheated in the final exams of Kunlun College, and were punished by expulsion from the academy, and announced the whole practice world as a warning.

This is the first official post on the Kyushu Forum, and all the monks who have registered an account poked in and took a look at it with curiosity.

Congratulations to these cheating "senior students" who really made their global debut.

These students have become famous, and the whole spiritual world knows their names.

[Am I on the first floor? Hahaha These students are really awesome. They cheated to Bai Chuwei, and they didn't even look at her outside, but Ms. Bai of the Emperor University. Ms. Bai also cheated in the rules of the Emperor University. All cheating was gone. The Emperor has executed it for a hundred years. ]

[Grab the first floor! Suddenly I felt a little funny. When Kunlun College was first established, a group of foreign elite students clamored that Kunlun College would only accept Chinese students but not foreign elites. What happened? The chance of studying abroad finally got, cheating as a result? Laughing to death. ]

[Congratulations to these buddies, from now on in history. Later, in the history of global practice, a shocking incident in underground forums will be recorded. You can easily mention that these buddies have cheated to make the world known. Others have not had this opportunity yet. ]

Pretty country fell silent on this, and it was right to pretend to be dead!

Bruce knew the news and almost fainted on the spot!

Vice President Bai really did what she said and told the spiritual world if she said she dared to cheat, she really informed the spiritual world, and she didn't leave any affection.

Still ridiculing their history?

How can this be left behind by the history of history, this is obviously to make them stinking for thousands of years! ! !

They never thought that one day they would be able to go to history books.

I regret that my intestines are all green. I knew that Vice President Bai could really make the whole spiritual world know that they would not cheat even if they were killed.

In the evening, the Unnatural Administration brought a large number of monks who knew hacker programming skills to come. After Bai Chuwei agreed, he happily took over the Kyushu Forum.

Among them, there are many monks who watched the show on "Super Brain Learning Ba" and learned to program with Bai Chuwei!

Just before tonight, they had never imagined that one day the power of public opinion in the global spiritual world would fall into their hands.

Looking at the concise background, the beauty is bubbling, as if in a dream.

Zhao Tianfang was so touched that tears couldn't stop flowing. He touched the computer lovingly. He never looked away from the backstage of the Kyushu Forum. He couldn't help but let out an exclamation when he saw that the registered number increased to one number.

Zhao Tian rushed to the director of the administrative bureau next to him in a choked voice: "Don't let Senior Bai get chilled, has the project we applied for for her come down? I have to give her a big surprise!"

(End of this chapter)

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