Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1461: Based on these, how could Bai Chuwei not become a scholar of the country?

Chapter 1461 Based on these, how can Bai Chuwei not become a scholar of the country?

It's only a few days? Bai Chuwei has been transformed from a Nobel Prize winner to a Chinese scholar!

There has been constant discussion on the Internet, and some bloggers even picked up Bai Chuwei’s nomination for the honor of the Nationalist, and analyzed it word by word.

Everyone knows that it was Bai Chuwei who created a new era of immortal cultivation. She even founded the Kunlun Academy in one hand, keeping Hua Guo at the top.

But...what does it mean to repair the dragon veins?

Some bloggers made a special video for this with impassionedness: “We have always had dragon veins in China, but they were cut off hundreds of years ago. So Ms. Bai Chuwei repaired the dragon veins on New Year’s Eve, but it was still there at the time. There is no exposure of Xiuxian, so everyone does not know. She is really a scholar of the country!"

Many netizens who eat melon are at a loss, but vaguely feel as if they have heard it somewhere.

New Year, New Year's Eve.

Suddenly remembered that on New Year’s Eve last year, Bai Chuwei said on Weibo that he would give a gift to all children from all over China. Could it be...

"Fuck, is it because she repaired the dragon vein that night? I thought she would give everyone a gorgeous starry sky..."

"Absolutely! That night on New Year's Eve, the people of the whole country are thanking Bai Chuwei for giving the seven stars and the starry sky. As a result, the real gift is to repair the dragon vein? Let all the Chinese stand up, and the descendants will be like dragons from now on?"

Many netizens went to look at their photos of the New Year's Eve last year, and it turns out that many people are wishing for it.

However, no one knew that Bai Chuwei actually repaired the dragon veins for hundreds of millions of people in China!

Suddenly, the nose became a bit sore.

What is this not a national scholar? Silently doing so many things for them...

[Question! What do you mean by "founding the Kyushu Forum" in the honorary nomination? What Kyushu Forum? ]

The blogger choked: "The voice of the global spiritual world has always been in the hands of underground forums, and Bai Chuwei founded the Kyushu Forum and completely took the voice of China in the hands of China!"

The enthusiastic blogger even took screenshots of some pictures of the forum war that night and wrote them into long articles.

Based on these, how can Bai Chuwei not become a scholar of the country? !

She deserves the honor of the national scholar.

Qi Wenbo, a great man in the Chinese archaeological circle, and Professor Li Di Da Li are known as the two masters of the Chinese archaeological circle.

At this time, he was staring straight at the computer screen while wearing presbyopic glasses, looking at the article.

Other netizens were still eating the melons from the underground world forum war a few days ago, and they were so excited that all the Chinese monks cancelled their accounts and followed in Bai Chuwei's footsteps. The focus of this tycoon was quite different.

"De Xiaozong gifted Wuzhu island group to Ms. Bai Chuwei, De Xiaozong..." Qi Lao muttered to himself.

Elder Qi turned his head and asked his assistant students: "Are there any trends in the archaeological major of the Imperial University? Especially Professor Li?"

The teaching assistant student was confused, and honestly replied: "No, I heard that everything is as usual. Oh... But I heard an interesting story. The principal of the Imperial University is well informed. Before Bai Chuwei was awarded the honor of the Nationalist, he just If you don’t build a teaching building, you have to build the Bai Chuwei Museum.”

A strange light flashed under the old Qi's reading glasses, and he silently picked up the landline phone on the side and called.

Professor Li’s laughing haha ​​voice came from the other end: "Old Qi, what are you doing? We have been very busy studying snake eggs recently."

Qi Laopi smiled but didn't laugh, and suddenly slapped the table and furious: "Lao Li, you old fellow, Bai Chuwei has lived for four hundred years and has witnessed four hundred years of history. Do you still want to conceal? Her living baby is yours? Don’t think about it! I’ll fly to the imperial capital! You wait for me!"

Old Qi turned his head and yelled at the already stupid teaching assistant student: "Bring my Luoyang shovel and go to the Imperial University to greet you Professor Li!"

Professor Li: "..."

The principal cheated me? !

?? Recently I am collecting manuscripts, and it will be updated once in early May. It is estimated that this book will be updated for the last time, and then the main text will be over.

?good night

? (The last chapter is blocked and is waiting to be lifted...)



(End of this chapter)

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