Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1464: Favorite white goddess! Make Bai Chuwei look at her with admiration

Chapter 1464 Favorite White Goddess! Make Bai Chuwei look at her with admiration


Why did they hear this sentence, they actually have a feeling of hearing "the local tyrants divide the fields"...

Netizens keep watching, haha, they like the appearance of these archaeologists breaking the blood of Bai Chuwei, and they have a sense of honor.

Just one word, cool!

When archaeologists from other countries were still thinking hard in the field, their Chinese archaeologists directly consulted Bai Chuwei, who had experienced it, and her answer was more accurate than the information obtained by archaeology!

After all, historical records may be false, and Bai Chuwei has seen it with his own eyes.

Over the past four hundred years, all the historical issues left over will be easily solved. Is this not enough to shake the country?

What is cultural self-confidence? The five thousand years of assets left by the ancestors are destined to be culturally confident and powerful for the Chinese people!

Some netizens said with emotion: "I really hope that one day it will be exposed that Bai Chuwei has lived for five thousand years, and also tell me about the ancient Chinese culture."

Everyone says that China has a history of more than 5,000 years, but the real written record is only more than 3,000 years, that is, oracle bone inscriptions. During this period, there is still more than 2,000 years of historical gaps. The rumored era of coexistence of man and god, Thinking about it makes people excited.

Far away in a foreign country in O Continent, the beautiful girl looked at the phone with a sad expression, sighing in her heart.

How long is this? It took a few months of effort. Bai Chuwei turned around and won the honor of being a member of the Chinese nation, and was pursued by everyone in China, even more obsessed than chasing stars.

Hearing the opening of the door, Tong Qingyan glanced at it and sneered: "Qiuqiu, I was forced to go abroad by Bai Chuwei, but people like her are regarded as scholars of the country. Isn't it ridiculous?"

Su Qiuqiu touched his white hair and asked with a strange expression: "But didn't the Unnatural Administration give you a choice? You don't want to give up the cultivation of the blood race yourself."

Tong Qingyan was momentarily dumb, not knowing how to refute her.

Tong Qingyan laughed: "Forget it, forget about Bai Chuwei. Thank you for taking me in."

Tong Qingyan felt that as long as he had the blood of Hua Guo, apart from her and Xu Xingchen. It is estimated that all have a good impression of Bai Chuwei, and Su Qiuqiu is no exception, after all, she is Yan Gou.


Tong Qingyan showed a confident smile.

Although she is not in comparison with Bai Chuwei in length, she is not bad, and can attract Su Qiuqiu's attention.

She came to O State after she left China, and there was always a voice in her mind asking her to go to Gatrenlin State.

Although she didn't know who this voice was, she didn't think she would harm her, but would help her instead.

This is killing her. Gatren Forest State is a forbidden place in the Demon Realm. Who can get in?

After thinking about it, I thought of Su Qiuqiu. Anyway, when I was at Imperial University, I was also a classmate, right?

Unexpectedly, Su Qiuqiu was so kind. Hearing that she had come to "running", she agreed without saying a word.

Thinking of this, Tong Qingyan couldn't help touching her smooth and delicate face, showing a smile.

Su Qiuqiu is licking the dog, and she is not helpful to the ugly person. The profile proves that her appearance is still very high.

Su Qiuqiu sighed inexplicably, and turned his eyes aside, feeling aggrieved.

Smelly brother!

Had it not been for the smelly brother that he wanted to help her favorite white goddess, and made the white goddess look at her with admiration, she would not agree to accept Tong Qingyan's "running".

Tong Qingyan has become uglier, much uglier than before when he was in the emperor. I don't know if it's because of being in the blood clan, the face that used to be naturally ruddy turned pale and pale like a dead person, and it was ugly.

It is crippling her big eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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