Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 241: Turn the clouds and rain, pick the moon and cloth stars

Duan Feihan was shocked, his slender fingers clenched unexpectedly.

Bai Chuwei chuckled and said innocently like a small deer: "Han Han, I say this because you happened to be sitting in front of me."

Everyone can look forward, but she alone cannot.

Because she can't see the way forward.

She has lived for more than five thousand years, and she will never grow old in the future.

Duan Feihan's tone was light, and he followed the mountain breeze: "If you want to look at me, you can."

Bai Chuwei's head was dizzy, and she rubbed her ears: "Huh? What did you just say?"

Duan Feihan's forehead twitched slightly, how much did she drink?

Duan Feihan stretched out her hand and took her little gourd: "If you have enough, don't drink it, you are drunk."

Bai Chuwei's beautiful eyes were round, and she looked at Duan Feihan with an unhappy expression, "Come back."

Duan Feihan held down the cool little hand that Bai Chuwei stretched over, and patiently said with a good temper: "Be obedient, don't drink."

His voice is low but sultry like the evening breeze at night.

Bai Chuwei stood up and stood on the top of the mountain, staggering, Duan Feihan stood up, several steps rushed up, grabbed her in his arms, and looked at the cliff with fear. .

Who the **** is this stone table and stone bench repaired on the top of the mountain?

If you accidentally fall, you have to fall to pieces!

Bai Chuwei nudged Duan Feihan's neck in his arms, suddenly hooked Duan Feihan with a drunken voice: "Hanhan..."

The little girl's Qingling voice was full of wine, pure and lustful, Duan Feihan's eyes suddenly flickered, and the delicate raised Adam's apple rolled unconsciously, and his breathing suddenly became a little uneasy.

He asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

Bai Chuwei hooked his neck to the edge of the mountain and asked with a smile, "Han Han, would you like to be my little brother?"

Duan Feihan silently looked at the mountains and forests, and the charming thoughts that had just risen disappeared in an instant.

It really deserves to be Bai Chuwei...

Just like to say these things.

Duan Feihan replied: "I don't want to, do you want to push me down?"

Bai Chuwei is depressed: "I will push you down, I have to save you up, forget it, I can't bear it."

In the past five thousand years, the aura has been declining, and the cultivators have gradually disappeared. In the past two decades, she has finally found an aura library. If it is not there, she will feel sad.

Duan Feihan hooked her waist and pulled her back from the top of the mountain.

The sky had already darkened, and there were no lights in the mountains, and the surroundings were dark, and the howling of wolves in the mountains and forests could still be faintly heard.

Bai Chuwei tilted his head, eyes drunk, and muttered, "It's dark already?"

Bai Chuwei raised her hand, and with a light wave of her slender jade hand in the air, it seemed as if stars were falling, and a little starlight appeared on the branches of the forest.

The ancestors raised their hands and could turn the clouds and rain, pick the moon and cloth stars.

In an instant, the top of Yunwu Mountain lit up, and the two of them were as if they were in a galaxy, so beautiful that they were dazzling.

Bai Chuwei picked up the chopsticks and ate the food, and hummed slightly, "Cao Jinhai's craftsmanship is good, comparable to that of his ancestors."

"Hanhan, would you like something to eat?" Bai Chuwei asked, holding her jaw, smiling at the man opposite, "The food is not cold."

Duan Feihan's dark eyes stared at the light from the top of the mountain that could almost illuminate the night sky. No matter how calm he is in the ordinary days, it would be difficult to maintain calmness at this time. He asked:

"You... are Bai Chu from twenty years ago?"

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