Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 329: Pure Gold Genealogy

The genealogy of the Bai family is one volume by volume, and one volume is kept every hundred years.

She carefully took out the latest volume, knowing that if the genealogy was broken, grandpa could kill her.

Expanding a look, at the end of the last, it says Erfang Bai Hongguang, his wife Liu Man, and female Baiyin.

She is now the youngest child of the Bai family.

Bai Yinyin sneered and muttered: "Bai Chuwei, even you want to be included in my Bai family's genealogy?"

She opened this volume of genealogy carefully. Every member of the Bai family wrote clearly, the date of birth, the time of death, and some of them had detailed biographical details.

The first volume is not available, look at the second volume.

Bai Yinyin had to praise, their Bai family really can come out in large numbers, there are officials and businessmen, and several of them have been seen in history books.

Farther ahead is the Bai family in the feudal society.

The Bai family is very different from other families. The family tree of the Bai family is very detailed. Whether it is a male or a female, a wife or a concubine, it can be listed.

You must know that in ancient times, genealogies did not allow girls to be named, and even the daughter-in-law was not allowed to be written by outsiders. Their Bai family was unique.

Look at this volume, and turn it over.

The sneer on Bai Yinyin's face became more obvious, and he smiled mockingly: "Isn't it the ancestor of our Bai family? I have read four or five copies, why haven't I seen the three words Bai Chuwei?"

Going to the back, Bai Yinyin didn't expect Bai Chuwei's name to actually appear, and he looked through the genealogy like a story book.

She also watched with gusto, and muttered to herself: "I didn't expect these ancestors of my Bai family to be so powerful, and there are women who dare to want to be female officials..."

The more you look at Baiyinyin, the more you sigh. The Bai family seemed to be a wealthy family in ancient times. Many people were even students of the emperor and the elders of Chaozhong. Now there is really no [无名故事] Fell.

Baiyinyin never thought that the genealogy would be recorded so detailed, and there was no omission. The point is... the more you push up the year, it can be pushed back thousands of years...


Bai Yinyin scratched his hair, always feeling that the Bai family was a little weird, so he didn't stop doing it and just prepared to start from the first genealogy.

Seeing the first genealogy, Bai Yinyin couldn't help but blurt out: "Fuck!"

Unconsciously swearing this swear word, Bai Yinyin was so frightened that he quickly patted his mouth, knelt down in front of the futon again, and kowtow to the rows of spiritual positions: "Don’t blame your ancestors and ancestors, Yinyin didn’t mean to swear swear words. Don't blame me."

Bai Yinyin kowtowed three heads before getting up from the futon, and quickly returned to the place where the genealogy was stored, looking at the first genealogy wrapped in red silk scarf in shock.

She reached out and knocked, and said in shock: "This, is this pure gold?"

No wonder that the genealogy made of gold can be kept for so long, Bai Yinyin was frightened.

With so many volumes of genealogy, only the first genealogy is made of pure gold, and most of the rest are books, or bamboo slips and brocades.

How many people's names can be written in this gold genealogy?

Bai Yinyin's curiosity has been raised in her throat, and she carefully pulled apart the golden silk scarf wrapped in the pure gold genealogy, and two people's names appeared on it.

The handwriting is ancient text, but it can still be recognized by trying to identify it.

Bai Yinyin immediately looked over, her pupils suddenly shrank, and her whole body was so frightened that she fell to the ground.

At this moment, her brain went blank.

The name of one of them is engraved on the gold plate-Bai Chuwei.

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